Prompt #4 - Telling The World (Zarry/Niam)

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"Harry and Zayn come out of the closet" 

♥ Harry's POV ♥ 

Here it is. Our chance to tell the world. Finally. Zayn and I have been dating for about 3 months and we decided that if we were ever going to come out then we might as well do it during a special time. So, we chose July 23rd, the band's 3rd year anniversary. 

"Are you okay babe?" Zayn asked, wrapping his arm around my waist. I shivered at his touch and rested my head on his shoulder.

"Maybe we should have told the boys earlier instead of them finding out today." I sighed.

"It will be okay, now come on we have to go to the stage." Zayn said, before kissing my forehead and running through the double doors.

I was the last to walk out Zayn gave me a knowing look. "Now before we start this concert Harry and I have a very special announcement to make..

"Zarry is real." he said, and held his breath waiting for the reaction. 

I looked over to the boys and Liam was smiling, and Louis was slapping and unconscious Niall. "Uh.. he fainted." Louis said sheepishly. I chuckled, despite that all the boys seemed happy. I walked over to Zayn and put my arm around his shoulder's. 

"I hope you can accept this and still be loyal, since we are the same people still. Nothing really has changed but--"

I was cut off by a girl in the front row yelling, "JUST KISS ALREADY!" and the whole crowd roared in response. 

Just as Zayn and I leaned in I heard Niall groan, "What happened?". I couldn't help but giggle while kissing my boyfriend, and the crowd cheering making me smile.

We pulled away and was practically tackled by Niall. "Congrats bro!" he exclaimed. 

"Woah now, don't hurt my boyfriend." Zayn warned jokingly.

"Protective already?" asked Louis, laughing, and we all joined in. The laughing died down and Niall leaned up to my ear, cupping his hand near his mouth so no one could see what words he was whispering and said, "Niam is real too." and then he bounded off and got into position for the first song.

Wait.. What!?


Lol yeah idk that stunk but whateves. Idk Nouis is my OTP so I added that in there. yEAH

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