1. there's a girl

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there is a girl.
she sits beside me.
she makes no sound.

she doesn't smile,
she only shields her eyes
from the gathering stares.

i don't understand why,
because she's beautiful
to everyone.

maybe if she just grinned,
just once,
maybe twice,
they'd all see,
the happiness inside her.

the glow of her cheeks,
and the heart of her soul.

but i'm not so sure
if there is.

you would never know
if she was happy or sad,
just by the line of her mouth.

i could talk to her.
i could stand up and say hello.
but most are afraid to do that.

and sadly, i am part of
that most.

but i like to think i'm different.
give me a pen, i will write a story,
a thousand words.

the rest of them will give it back
as a blank page, the same as it
always was, and always will be.

they don't see change.
they don't believe in change.

they think their world is perfect.
that everyone is accepted.
that no matter how or what you are,
no on will judge you.

they're all wrong.
and i, of all, would know.

there is no room for difference
in their twisted eyes

but i bet that the girl who never smiles
has soft and understating eyes.
ones that see through more than skin.
more than a mere appearance.

i hope so.

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