Lucinda and Kiki

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I sighed. "Nicole! I.... I don't know what to do..." I cried as I saw Garroth, Dante and Laurance passed out on the ground with a laughing Aphmau. I laughed a bit and stopped as Nicole started looking down. "Say. [F/N], what if we just started a war. A demonstration of a horrible memoir. A destruction of a beautiful village. Your Village is the number one powerhouse of all of the Ru'ran (Right? Ru'ran? Idk.. Idc) region and can destroy this place in seconds. Your guards are highly trained. Plus your a-" She paused slapping her hands over her mouth. "Huh?" I said. "What the. What am I Nicole" I said narrowing my eyes and staring her down. I saw her cringe and got maybe scared vy the look i was giving her. She sighed. "Just. Forget it!" She laughed. I laughed maybe. I don't always laugh because of how my father treated me. Ugh. I hate being locked up livestock. It feels like it was seared fire in withering injustice. Sadly the crippled manucles holds my grip like some peasant. I wish just to leave this region and go off and be in great beacon of joyous daybreak over the horizon. (sorrt for MLKJ refs) I sighed and stand up and so does Nicole. "Hey. Cheer up. Let's go to my house and play with Roxy? Sounds fun?" She asked. I nodded and groaned. "Uh. [F/N] is something wrong?" She asked turning back. I took off the cloak off my arm only revealing my broken arm. She gasped. "Uh!!! Lets go to Lucinda's house so she can fix it with magicks!" She yelled picking my up bridal style. Ugh how i hated Nicole when she acts like a guy towards me. This is going to be my death. I sighed as i saw only two citizens walk pass up staring at us weirdly wanting it to be an actually guy and not a girl. We made it and Nicole knocks on the door. A witch comes out. "Ah! Hello Nicole. Who's this?" She asked smiling at me. I removed my cloak and jumped out of Nicole's embrace. "My my. The first born daughter of [V-" "Sssshhh! No one knows my actual title. Don't tell anyone me being a daughter of Lord Charles of [V/N]" I whispered putting a finger on the witches ruby lips. She nodded "okay my Lady [F/N] [L/N]. I'm so sorry. I'm Lucinda. The witch of this beautiful village." She said. I nodded. "Um. Hi Lucinda can you please fix my broken arm by any chance?" I asked her. She nodded "CAME TO THE RIGHT PLACE!" She said jumping up and down. "ITS AN HONOR TO HEAL YOU!" She said jumping more. Nicole grabs her shoulders and turns her around and push her inside. I walk in grabbing my arm as it aches. "Now [F/N] just lie down and stay still" She said as I jumped on the bed and laid there. She chanted some witchcraft words and a ball of light flashed after her chant "ALRIGHT MY'LADY! Your done~" She sanged. I nodded and get up. I swing my arm and it feels better. I smile and grab my cloak and put it on. I felt a slap hit my back. "NICOLE?!?!" I yelled. "Hey! Your feeling better champ." she said laughing. "Hardty har har" I said sarcastically. I stood out of bed and walked out the door with Nicole beside me. "Want to spar now that your better? Or do still want to play with Roxy?" She asked walking pass a big barn. "Actually. I want to see what's in here" I pointed towards the barn. "Ah. Kik's barn. Okay let's go!" She said pulling me in and stopping in front of a red head girl. "Oh hello Nicole. Who's this if I might ask?" She said sitting on the ground with hamsters and dogs on her. She laughs and pets and hugs them. (<-- 666 words right here) "I'm... [F/N]. I'm guessing your Kik?" I asked pulling my hand out. She laughed and shakes my hand. "Well yes. I'm Kiki. I take care of a lot of animals. I love animals and it my passion too." She said getting up and shooed the animals away from her and in the fence. "So [F/N] what can I do for you?" She smiled clapping her hands together and closing her eyes tilting her head slightly. "Um.. Can I play with them. And also Nicole too?" I asked hoping for her to say yes. "Of course. I have to watch my pendant anyways" She said heading up but I stopped her "wait. Pendant?" I asked "Yes why?" she asked more concerned. "May I see that as well?" I said. She nodded and I climbed up and saw that pendant. My eyes widened. "No. Not that" I gasped and turned around "Whats wrong with it?" She asked shyly.
~ Flashback ~
"Here. If you need me prwick your finger on wthis and I'll bwe bere" He said. I nodded and smiled "Thanks Aawon" I giggled and ran off showing my father. He slapped it out my hand and i cried. "But aawon gaved it toos mwe!" I cried out punching and kicking the air as the guards of my father took me upstairs. "Its personal. Sweety...." My father said. 5 years later i discovered. I was born by the same thing Aaron gave me. A pendant. My father told me it was magicks and he doesn't know what kind of monster i am. So i was locked inside my room. Stuff got delivered to my room. I was never to leave this room. Ever.
~ Flashback Over ~
"Oh... Nothing. You'll have the perfect baby, im sure of it" I said getting down to Nicole and walked out. I kept my head low though my head was covered by this cloak anyways. I walked to Nicole's house with Nicole running trying to catch up. "[F/N] wait!" I turn around and Nicole stppped and crouched down panting. "Whats wrong?" She asked. "Nothing. I'm 'fine' i swear"
New chapter. Done! Btw ilysm guys 1.1k views! Holy mother of irene. Thats a record. Wait nvm on that my old watrpad account one of the books got 13.5k views. But thats attack on titan. This is mcd. Yay!!! I will post another chapter soon this chapter is dedicated for @LadyStacyRomeave for getting me in your awesome story. Ilysm girl Good bais
1090 words totally. Bai now! Hehe

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