Chapter 8

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Chapter 8 - Welcome back
(Back To Laurances POV if he ever had one)
I quickly jumped out the portal and ran holding [y/n] tightly in my arms. I got to the Wolf Tribes place but didn't want to stop. They really don't like me that much. I ran around the tribe and stopped at a little bench out in the no where, then I set [y/n] down. I looked at her eyes... Her eyes. That's it. "I will kill Zenix and Gene for what they did! They turned her into one of them! Gah! I'm so stupid! Its my fault shes like this! I should've ran a lot faster.. I should've had my guard up..." i started crying. I felt a pair of arms touch my shoulders. I stopped crying and looked at the arms, my eyes glaring down the arms to see who they belong to. There were [y/n]'s. She smiled. I looked at her eyes, her blind eyes. I see her faded [e/c] orbs. We stared at each other eyes for a good minute. Well, at least I did. I didn't realize it but I was leaning in, then I felt her soft lips connect with mine. I closed my eyes and held her cheek. I felt her arm released from holding onto me. Our lips moved in perfect sync. I felt a hot tear fall to my hand. I separated from kissing her and saw her crying. "ssshh, it's okay. It's just me, Laurance. Your with me, not with Gene... ssssshh" I started playing with her hair. I grabbed the back of her head and brought it up to my shoulder. Embracing her at the same time. She cried softly on my shoulders. Stroking her hair calmed her down. I heard a faint cute snore belonging to her. Irene, she's attacking my heart.......
Location: Phoenix Drop
POV: Laurance's
Yes ik. I changed it to y/n bc many ppl in my comment sections prefer that instead of f/n mmkay?
I picked [y/n] up and walked slowly back to Phoenix Drop. We got there 2 hours later. I heard someone yell from behind the gates (ik they haven't buildt the gates yet where I am at in the story but sssssh. Im still crying bc MCD is on hold mmk?) I yelled back "Its just me, Laurance!" In the distance i hear an O. I sighed and looked down at [y/n]. She was still sleeping. She looked like an angel. Then I remember what Nicole told me. I wonder, what is [y/n]? She's not a magicks user. But she has powers.. [y/n] what are you? I saw in the corner of my eye the gates coming up and I exhaled loudly and walked into the village. I saw Aphmau running up and saw [y/n]. "Laurance.. What happened. Is she alright?" Aph said looking down sadly. "No aph she is all left. What do you think?!?.....Gene, Zenix and Sasha turned her.. She can barely see.." I said in a despaired tone towards aph. Aph looked shocked that I said that and looked down even more looking at her feet. I was just so angry and sad and walked away from Aphmau and went to the guards station.
Location: Aphmaus Basement Room thingy mic Bob and Readers Mind Of Bitterness
POV: Readers
Its been a month now. I feel like I'm falling into an ocean of complete bitterness. I can see the flashbacks of my life at the castle. Father. How I hated him. He despised me basically. I sighed to myself. All the sudden I feel like someone is grabbing me. Shaking me violently. My eyes brows furrowed and left the ocean of nothing but bitter. My eyes opening in like, forever. I see everyone I know surrounding me. "Huh? What's wrong guys?..." I said in a tired state. "[Y/n]! YOUR AWAKE. FINALLY!" Dante said hugging me while I was still in the bee. In the corner of my eye is a jealous Nicole. Does she like Dante? They look cute together.. But Dante Is cute.. So is laurance and garroth. Reality hit me and I blushed. I just thought Three guys were cute. No! [Y/n] j can't fall for them! I.. Just can't.. Well, at least for the moment. Its bad enough Laurance already kissed me.. I sighed and Dante, confused release the embrace and his mouth opened but no words. My head tilts. "Dante?.. Something wrong?" Dante still confused sighed "[y/n], do you have powers?" I blinked and everyone looked at Dante nodded except Nicole. Nicole looked down. "I.. I--" "[y/n].. Stop. You know the rules" Nicole said. "She has rules to control what she says? That's messed up Nicole. She has the right too. C'mon [y/n] tell." Garroth said. "I.. I rather not say..." Everyone looked sad. "Don't worry [y/n]! Tell us when your ready!" Aphmau said smiling. I don't know but I feel like I've met Aphmau already. Like, she reminds me of someone I knew..
A couple thousands years ago.....
(:0 hint hint? Wink wink nudge nudge?)
Heyyy guys. I haven't updated in ages 😂 well I hope this is okay.. 👀 I'm not really good at writing anymore. But yeah. Hope you like that cliff hanger ;) I might spoil some of it on my Instagram if want 😊😛 Well love yaaaa. I'm going to write and update more so yeee.
IG: EstorraDiaries
Words: 923 words

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2016 ⏰

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