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It's 3 in the morning and Calum's awake. He wishes he wasn't, wishes he didn't have to hear the sound of his best friends moaning from down the hall, echoed by the great acoustics in Luke's big, fancy apartment. He wishes they would shut the fuck up, but they've been going at it for about half an hour now, and Calum's completely convinced that they're just doing it to piss him off, at this point. They might not even be having sex. Calum doesn't put it past them, honestly.

If this was his own house, he'd have shoved on some headphones by now. Or, more likely, he wouldn't even be awake to hear. His room is downstairs, so it's hard to hear Michael and Ashton upstairs, unless they're being deliberately loud.

Calum huffs and blinks up at the ceiling angrily, fisting the sheets that are bunched around his hips like it's their fault. Beside him, Luke snuffles and grunts a little in his sleep, nudging closer until he can press his frozen nose to Calum's shoulder and his cold feet to Calum's calves. Calum just sighs and allows it.

Ashton let's out a particularly loud moan from two doors down, all high pitched and needy, and Calum has to hurry to direct his thoughts away from Ashton, away from the image of Ashton writhing around the sheets, flushed and on the verge of tears from pleasure. It's not that he's attracted to Ashton, really, it's just that he's young and his mind likes to run when it gets the slightest hint of some sort of sexual endeavour.

Luke snorts and grumbles, pressing forward even more. He mouths around Calum's shoulder for a second and, before Calum has a chance to move away or even look at him to determine what the fuck he's doing, Luke's teeth dig into his skin and press down.

"Ow," Calum hisses as he sticks his arm out to pry Luke off of him. It takes a second, and Luke wakes up in the process and stats batting at Calum's hands until he realizes what's happening. Ashton moans down the hall and Luke drops his face down to press his cheek against Calum's shoulder.

"Make them stop," he demands, like Calum has any pull whatsoever as to what Michael and Ashton do in their free time.

"I can't," Calum tells him sadly. "We just have to let it run its course." Luke groans, so Calum wide an arm around his neck and pets at his hair soothingly. "No offence, but why'd you bite me?"

Luke's thick eyebrows furrow, in what little light is streaming through from under the door, and he starts pouting. His bottom lip drops onto Calum's shoulder. "I think I was dreaming about eating."

Calum snorts in amusement, fingers digging into Luke's hair. "Don't sleepeat me, please."

Luke hums and stretches, cracking his back audibly while a loud moan sounds down the hall. "Wouldn't dream of it, sweet cheeks." he pauses, then snorts. "Get it? Dream? Ha." Calum pulls his hand back and smacks Luke's head.

They're silent then, trying to ignore what sounds like a fucking drug induced orgy down the hall, while Calum goes back to running his fingers through Luke's hair. Ashton practically screams and Calum huffs.

"That's it," he pulls his hand away from Luke's head, drawing a whine from the younger boy, and starts fighting with the blankets. He manages to throw them off after a minute, shoving them all at Luke, before he sits up and swings his legs over the edge of the bed. "I'm taking a shower. Maybe they'll be done by the time I get ou."

It makes sense, the Luke's en suite bathroom is the room farthest away from the guest bedroom and, consequently, Michael and Ashton. Luke mumbles a little at that and sits up next to him, rubbing sleepily at his eyes. "Can't you go ask them to stop?"

"They won't," Calum warns him. "They like arguments, they'll be loud to piss us off. Beside, I think they like seeing you flustered."

Every just saying it out loud makes Luke flush and look down, eyebrows furrowed and bottom lip stuck out in a pout. "I don't get flustered!"

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