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Olive has been staying with Luke for two days and, so far, Calum has learned three things.

First, Olive will do anything to watch Luke squirm. And by anything, he does mean anything. Absolutely nothing is off limits, not even their mum, Luke's sexuality crisis, or Calum's dick. Michael is thrilled someone shares his hobby of harassing Luke and teams up with the older twin as much as possible.

The second thing Calum's learned, is that the twins are oddly in sync. As in they speak at the same times (mostly talking over each other), the move in the same way, and they seem to be able to read each other's minds. If Luke is too uncomfortable with something Michael's said, Olive grabs the blue haired boy around the throat and makes Ashton shriek. At one point, Calum wakes up smushed between the two brothers and finds them in the exact same position- facing him, mouths dropped open, legs curled up slightly, and hands curled against their chests (Calum squirms out of bed instantly and bolts because it kind of freaks him out).

The third and final thing Calum's learned is that Luke is absolutely savage when he wants to be. He fights viciously, physically when he has to, and spits words at his brother that even make Ashton blush. Apparently, having all those brothers has made him completely fearless when faced with one of them. Calum watches his blonde boyfriend grab both Michael and Olive in a headlock simultaneously, one screeching under each arm, and decides he absolutely has to meet the rest of the family. There's no way he's voluntarily not meeting the rest of the brothers, now that he's met one.

On the third day, Calum wakes up early to avoid Ashton and Michael, pulls on a pair of shoes, and stumbles out to his car in pink sweatpants. He parks his shitty impala between Luke's and Olive's black jaguars and barely manages a wave at the receptionist before he's on his way up in the elevator.

Luke answers the door, after about five minutes of texts and soft knocking, in a long shirt and pink boxers, rubbing sleep from his eyes and blinking furiously at Calum.

"What are you-"

Calum grabs the front of his shirt and pulls him from the apartment, into the hallway. Gently, he closes the door again while Luke frowns at him. Before Luke can even say anything, Calum pulls him down and wraps his arms around Luke's waist, patiently waiting for Luke to hug him around the neck to sigh contentedly.

They stand in the hallway, in various sleep clothes, hugging for a while. Eventually, Luke's attention span runs out and he pulls back to press a soft kiss to Calum's mouth. As soon as he pulls back, he blushes furiously and looks down.

Calum rubs his thumb over Luke's hot, red cheek with a fond smile on his face. "There's my boy. Haven't seen him in a while."

"I'm sorry," Luke blushes even more and attempts to duck out of Calum's grip, but Calum just holds his cheeks more firmly. "Olive- I'm really comfortable around my brothers. Too comfortable."

Calum shakes his head quickly. "No, I like watching you and Olive. I just need to see this Luke every so often. This Luke is my beautiful, blushing, boy." Luke flushes again and Calum grins at him, leaning forward to kiss across his warm cheeks. It does absolutely nothing to solve the problem, makes Luke even redder, if anything. "Not that I don't like him, but when is Olive leaving?"

Luke's eyes slide shut, so Calum gently pushes his shoulders until he's leaning against the wall, right next to his front door. "I'm- I don't know. He got kicked out of his place in Spain and most of the family isn't talking to him, so he doesn't have any place to go. I'm the only one left and he's- I can't kick him out, that's my twin."

Calum nods quickly. "No, of course," he agrees, hands tight at Luke's lower back as he kisses down the blonde's throat lightly. "I'm glad he's here so you can spend time with him, just. Just, you know, I miss you."

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