Make Up/Break Up (Danny Boy)

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THIS IS A LONG IMAGINE My first personal imagine goes to Noura so here it is hope you enjoy.
Also y/bf/n=your best friends name
Also I know Devin doesn't go to Kevin and Daniel's school but pretend they do

Noura POV

Daniel has been acting real strange and distant lately. Today is a Saturday so im gonna go to Daniel's house and talk to him. I was already dressed so I went downstairs and told my mom I was leaving.
"Mom I'll be back in maybe 45 minutes" I said to her
"Okay sweetheart. Love you bye" Mom said back
"Love you to mom. Bye" I say while walking out.
Daniel didn't live that far so I didn't walk a long way from my house after 10 minutes of walking I was at the Veda house. Daniel gave me a key to their house not that long ago. I heard nothing but only rumbling in Daniel's room through the house. At the top of the stairs i went straight to Daniel's room. As I walked I and looked in his room what I seen was horrible and I had tears in my eyes. Daniel was kissing my best friend. They obviously didn't see me cause they kept kissing so I cleared my throat. They both jumped away after that.
"Noura w-what are you doing here?" Daniel stutters staring at me
"W-well I came to talk to you on why you were being distant...but I guess i have my answer" I said on the verge of tears
"Noura i can..." Daniel started but i interrupted
"No I dont want excuses and y/bf/n dont ever talk to me again..scratch that both of you leave me alone" I say crying walking out of the house
"Noura wait please" I hear Daniel yell for me but I keep walking. As he caught up to me he ran infront of me and stopped me.
"Daniel just leave me alone...i loved you and you did that to me" I say
"I know and I'm sorry" Daniel says
"Sorry doesn't cut it Daniel goodbye" I say crying more and walking home

*Skip to Monday*
*RING RING RING* My alarm goes off for school.
"Ughhhh" I groan not wanting to get up and face Daniel and school itself.
After a while if not wanting to get up i get in the shower and get dressed into some "lazy" clothes like sweats and a sweater and my boots. I wasn't looking when i was getting dressed so when I looked in the mirror i saw I had Daniel's sweats and sweater on. I just shrugged and put my glasses on just cause. I grabbed my bookbag and walked downstairs to get a ride from Kevie Kev. Bad thing is Daniel gets a ride too but since its Shari is driving I'll just get shotgun so that Kev Dev and Dan are sitting together in the back. I walked downstairs and said goodbye to my mom and walked outside to wait for them. After waiting maybe 5-10 minutes they were here. I walked to the car and asked Kev if he could move to the back.
"Kev can you please sit in the back" I asked politely
"Sure Noura" Kev said with a weird look on his face. We switched around and we were on our way to school. I turned around and was talking to Dev and Kev
"Morning Kev, Dev , and....Dan" I said a little awkwardly
"Morning Noura" Kev and Dev said Daniel just sat there silently looking out of the window. After 20 minutes we were at school. We all said bye to Shari and we were on our way to class. We all have the same classes so this should be fun. We were currently at out lockers which where separated one. Danny Boy just walked to class after he got everything.
"So Noura why has our Danny Boy been so silent this morning" Dev asked
"Long story short I caught him kissing
y/bf/n and didn't talk to him after that" I answered
"HE WHAT! Ohh girl hold my earrings imma get him" Kev said in a sassy tone
"Lol Kev its fine. But no matter what he did I'm still gonna go to The Bomb Shelter for you guys" I say laughing and talking to them.
"Gizzy but we should get to class now" Kev said
"Lets go" Dev said as we went to first period

*Skipping to end*
It was finally last period. Daniel hasn't talked all day not even to the boys. That's weird but I can't do anything about it. "RING" As the last bell rings everyone rushes out of the class except me I stay until everyone gets out so I'm not squished. As everyone left me and Danny Boy were the only ones in the room. I got up and as much as I didn't want to talk to him I had to get him so we could head to The Bomb Shelter.
"Come on Danny Boy" I say silently holding my hand out for him to get up
"Ummm...o-ok" He said uncertainly and grabbed my hand. Once he was up we were face to face still when I hold his hand I get butterflies. I right away let his hand go and walked out the class with him behind me. As soon as we were next to Dev and Kev we walked out and waited for Mama Gordon. As soon as she was here Kev and Dev raced to see who got shotgun as for me and Daniel we just walked. It was akward but we just jept going
"Ummm...I like your outfit Noura" Daniel says akwardly but chuckling to
"Thanks i wasn't looking and just got dressed this morning. I'll give you them back tomorrow" I say chuckling to
"No! You can keep them they look better on you" He says
"Umm..ok but just get in the car weirdo" I say in a giggle tone as he got in.

*At Bomb Shelter*
As the boys were singing I was just on my phone playing games. About 2 minutes in I felt thirsty and went to get a drink. On my way to the vending machine I seen my ex-boyfriend the one before Daniel my abusive one ( umm pretend he was abusive ok lol). I tried ignoring him after I got my water I tired ignoring him but I failed.
"Hey babe" Jonathan said (pretend his name was Jonathan random name)
"I'm not you "babe" Jonathan leave me alone" I said scared he was gonna hit me I backed up and was about to walk away but he trapped me so that my back was against a wall
"So where is your other boy toy" He asked in my ear
"He's rehearsing" I say in a whisper
"Good so I can do this" He said evily while kissing me. I push him off very fast. He looked anger and I tried running but couldn't he shoved me into a wall. It hurt so bad i though I was gonna faint. Before he could do anything else I see Danny on him and keep punching him. I seen Kev try and stop Danmy but he couldn't (IMAGINE DANIEL FIGHTING FOR HIS GIRL). Dev helped me up and sat me on a chair and gave me water. After I felt a little better I went over to Daniel still punching Jonathan and tried calming him down.
"DANNY THAT ENOUGH" I yelled he heard me stopped punching, looked at me and just walked away out the door and to his house. Me, Kev, and Dev just stood there looking at Jonathan and his bloody mess. We called the ambulance and said we found him like this. After that situation Mama Deb picked us up.
"Momma Deb can you drop me off at Daniel's house please" I asked politely
"Sure sweetheart" she said. As we arrives infront of the Veda household i thanked her and said goodnight to her and the other 2 boys. I started walking to the front door. As I knocked I became nervous remembering the last time I was at the Veda house. After ringing the bell Mariah answered the door.
"Hey Noura umm.. I think Dan is in the basement with the punching bag" Mariah said
"Thanks Mariah" I said
"No problem girly" She said while going back to the couch with Sky and Jaiden
I walked downstairs to find Daniel and talk to him. As I got downstairs I seen him continuously just punching the punching bag. I started walking to where he was. I got to where he was and stood behind the Daniel holding his waist from behind. How I missed this fool. He jumped a little but relaxed after he figured out it was me. He unwrapped my hands from his waist and walked away to get a drink I followed rigjt behind him.
"Why are you mad...I'm the one that should be mad" I say to him in a mad tone
"CAUSE I SEEN YOU KISS YOUR EX" He explains yelling. I was shocked at his tone and flinched a little
"He kissed me I didn't kiss back" I say in a whisper
"I'm sure" He says angry
"So your way of getting back at me is GETTING YOUR EX TO KISS YOU" He says angrily
"I just went to get a drink and he seen me and came to me...if i wanted an abusive boyfriend I'd break it off with you and go back with him" I say crying
"I-Im sorry Noura I didn't mean it" He says trying to hug me but I just stayed still
"Danny I still love you but please never ever do that again" I say with my face in his chest
"I promise" Daniel says looking me in my eyes. He leans in and kisses me. I still get butterflies when we kiss.
"I love you Noura" Danny says
"I love you to Danny" I say
Hope y'all enjoyed! This is a first Danny Boy imagine there will be on for Kev and Dev soon to BYE!! I know its long

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