Sports Injury (Kevin)

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As I  was  watching Kevin practice for his last baseball game I knew something was wrong. Throughout watching Kevin practice i could see something was hurting him. I kept thinking about it but didn't say anything till i seen him after practice.


As his practice was coming to an end i could see more and more that Kev was touching and rubbing his right shoulder and elbow.

"Babe are you ok" I say walking up to him touching his right arm

"Yeah why babe" He says smiling at me

But by the look in his eye i knew he was in pain.

Since i was driving i decided to take a little detour to the ER for an X-Ray of his arm and i guess he notice and said something about it.

"Babe you passed the house" He says looking at you and rubbing his shoulder and elbow

"I know" I answer back smirking

"I just wanna go hooommmee" i hear him whine

As we finally arrive to the ER Kev looks at me pouting

"Really we had to come here" He says

"Yes we did im worried that your shoulder and elbow are dislocated" I say getting out

After a few more minutes of Kevin pouting and whinning we finally went in.

"Hello and how may i help you" The lady at the front desk questions

"Hi im worried that my boyfriend dislocated his shoulder and elbow" I say

"Okay Name" She asks
"Kevin Alston" He answers

She then makes his bracelet and tells us to wait in the waiting room for 10 minutes.

As we were waiting we just talked about random things.

After about 5 minutes a nurse called us back into a room.

"So dislocated arm" She asks

"Yes" i answer

"Okay so we are going to go take some X-Rays and then if there is we will try to pop it back in place" she explains to us

Once she was finished explaining she walked us to the X-Ray room. When she took the first picture she told me that he definitely had a dislocated arm.

When we were done with the pictures we went back into the room and waited for a doctor.

*AFTER 1 HOUR  = 8:00 PM *

While waiting me and Kevin where cuddling and just talking about different things and as timed passed Kev kept touching his arm

"Kevin stop touching your arm" I say holding down his left arm

"It hurts and the doctor is taking to looongg" He says looking at the ceiling

As he says that the door opens and 3 people walk in

"Hello Mr. Alston I'm Dr. Richards and these are my 2 nurses Anthoy and James" He says as he puts gloves on

The doctor gave Kev a pain killer before putting popping everything back in it's sockets. Then when he drank it they were getting ready to pop it into place. They gave him a shirt to bite on just in case he screams or something and he had James and Anthony hold the rest of his body down also just in case moves more.

"I'll count down from 3 and just go for it is that okay" Dr. Richards asks Kevin

He just nods his head and i just stand back and wait till they are done 

"3......2......1......" The doctor says

The room was so silent that all you could hear was the bones snapping back into place and Kev scream a little bit

"And we are done can you move it ok" Dr. Richards asks Kevin as they back away

"Yeah it's fine" He says moving his arm around

"Okay so the nurse will be right in with papers and you will be free to go" He says walking out with his nurses

After the nurse came in and Kev signed the papers we were on our way home for real. As i was driving in the corner of my eye i could see Kev just smiling at me

"Kev may i help you" I say still looking at the road

"Just admiring what i have" He say kissing my cheek

"Why?" I say

"Because without you i wouldn't do things you make me do" He says laughing a little and i just smile

"I love you a lot" I say 

"I love you more" He says kissing me

Once we got home we went straight to bed cause it was an eventful night.






But other then that i will try to post often. and i am working on Summer Of Love but i will try to post the intro/first chapter today. 

Also i might make another book just for updates and things so that most of the chapters and other books won't just be filled with A/N's and other things not related to the books. (<-----tell me what you think about this in the comments)

Sorry for making you guys wait so long i will try not to do that again and i will be posting personals from a while ago people requested. (NOTE I AM NOT TAKING REQUESTS NOW maybe some other time) 

Also i will be doing a a TBD Pregnancy Series book. (SHOUTOUT to @-danielveda aka Nikki for making my covers she is amazing at them)

Some may be asking (aka no one) Lixcey how are you gonna handle 5 books. LMAOOO!! It's gonna be okay. Lol the Author's Note book will just be updates and other little things like if i want to do personals or something, Summer Of Love will be updated 4 days out of the week, the Preferences and Imagines will be update 3 days out of the week. So right now this is gonna be my schedule for now in my Update book ill post the official schedule.

Sorry that im giving you guys so much books to keep up with i just don't want my other books being just things not related to the actual book. 

But anyways i will post personals soon. STAY TUNED

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