Chapter 6

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"You got everything?" Hayden shouts for the millionth time. Isaac and I both chorus a 'yes', we're just desperate to get on the road now. We all have a backpack each with food and water supplies so it's fair.

"I'm just checking, its better safe than sorry." He says, rolling his eyes.

We get to the door of the mental home and Hayden stops to a halt when he decides to go back for more water even though we probably have at least twenty litres. "He's always like this, ever since we lost our parents. He just took over." Isaac admits, I can hear the slight breaking in his voice when he mentions his parents. It must be heartbreaking having the people you love most ripped from you.

Before I know what I'm doing, I put my arms around him to comfort him. "Well, that's new, I'm a hugger."

Isaac puts his arms around my shoulders and laughs. "You know Alice, you're not half bad."

"Oh, thanks." I break away from him a bit to look up at him. "I suppose you're not bad yourself." Isaac just smiles at me. A real smile that reaches his eyes. He looks at me still smiling and my heart starts to go crazy.

I feel like it shouldn't matter to me if Isaac is beautiful because of the whole world in apocalypse but I can't stop looking at him. We are in the middle of a staring match. His eyes are so many shades of blue, dark mixed with light. We are still touching with our arms locked around each other. Staring and smiling at each other like idiots.

"This seems too private for me to be witnessing." Hayden voice says right beside us. I instantly jump a metre away from Isaac's hold like a scared cat and my cheeks start to go on fire.

I put my hand on my heart that's going a bit too much on the fast side, "You almost gave me a heart attack." I state.

"I didn't even hear you creep up. Did you tiptoe?" Isaac says. His face slightly red but no way near mine.

"Yes. I didn't want to waste your beautiful moment together." He answers amused. My face can't get any more red without burning my skin then melting off my face.

"Lets go, love birds." Hayden slaps Isaac on the back. We collect our bags and start to walk, the brothers told me earlier that the angels don't usually come during the day so that's the safest time to travel.

We finally leave the mental house and head into the forest in front of us.


My experience so far of walking through a forest is not great. I trip up at every root that has grew on the ground, Hayden or Isaac always have to catch me before my face gets real up close and personal with the ground. It's like the roots are wrapping themselves round my ankles and purposely tripping me up. The brothers try to pretend that they're not cracking up at me every time but turning their backs doesn't mean I can't see their shoulders shaking.

The forest is massive. The sun is locked out completely because the trees have overgrown at the top. I think the sun isn't the only thing being shut out. Isaac explained to me that when the angels fly over, its near enough impossible for them to see us unless they are specifically looking for us. The birds flying in and out the trees sound like they are crackling out a sinister laugh that terrifies me so I have to try to get right behind the brothers.

"I must wake up every day and I have that one bliss moment when I forget that this is actually real and not a dream." Isaac blurbs out. "I just don't want to be in hiding for the rest of my life."

I try to lighten up the conversation by asking them what their lives were like before all this happened.

"Books were my life, God, I miss books." Hayden moans. "The smell of opening a new book was priceless. I haven't been in luck yet to find a book store that hasn't been burned down to the ground." I'm sure I see tears swell up in his eyes but blinks them away before I can tell.

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