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"Hey Cameron, the Sargent wants to see you. He says it's important." One of my friends yelled. I walk to his door and go in.

"You wanted to see me Sarg?"

"Yes, now Mr. Dallas I have a case for you. Would you like to take it?"

"Just let me look over the papers, and I'll think about it." I grab the papers and head back to my desk. I look it over for about 15 minutes and than I tell the Sargent that I'll take it.

My name is Cameron Dallas and I work for the  LAPD, mostly my job is to go to the crime scene and figure out who's the suspect.

I have recently got a report on a murder case, 20 year old, male, white, shot with a 38 caliber pistol, shot in the lower arteries, heart, and head.

This seemed like a really complicated case since the suspect or suspects didn't leave a sign of a break in, or no finger prints. Well that's life.

"Hey, Ashely I'm home." Yes I live with my sister , big deal.

"Hey, how was work?" She asked.

"Ugh, just the same ol' job, but I think this is something you can actually help me with. Come here." I sit down at the table while she sits in the other chair.

"Do you know who this person is? We found him at the crime scene with no ID and he looked familiar, so I thought you would know him." Her eyes began to water.

"Yeah, yeah I do know him." There was tears coming out of her eyes. "His names, Nate, Nate Maloley." I gave Ash a hug and than let her go.

I looked for some food to help me think about this. I know, I know this guy from somewhere but I just can't remember. I find some strawberries and eat them.

"Wow shot in the heart, and the head wow they must've have hated him."

Ashley's POV

Nate's dead, I couldn't believe it. I was pacing back and forth in my room when I couldn't take it anymore. I headed downstairs and told Cameron that I wanted to work with him on the case.

"No Ashely how many times do I need to keep reminding you, you can't work on any cases with me!l Cam yelled.

"Just this one time Cam than I'll stop asking. Please just let me help." I begged for a good 5 minutes and than he gave in.

"Fine, so we're going to the crime scene tomorrow." I hugged him and went back upstairs.


This is a bad idea.

A/N: Hey guys so I decided I would make a new fanfic just to see if people would like it. Anyway I hope the first chapter of this is okay.

Who Did It? A Nate Maloley murder storyWhere stories live. Discover now