Chapter 7

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1 month later

Lauren's PoV

Joey and I sat on the couch snuggled up together. Amelia had been asleep for a few hours and Joey and I had been sitting in the same positon since. We weren't saying or doing anything we were just sitting. I absolutely loved Amelia with all my heart, but every once and a while, it was nice to have it just be Joey and I. I found so much comfort in the simplicity of the situation. As I sat there, my head rested on Joey's chest, his hand slowly brushing through my hair and his other protectively wrapped around me, I began thinking. Joey and I were long overdue for a date night. If we didn't keep up on having some alone time, I think we might go crazy.


"Yeah Lo?"

"Can we go out?"

"Right now?" he asked.

"No ya goof. I mean like on a date. We haven't in a while and I think it would be nice."

"A date, huh?" This weird expression came across his face like he had suddenly come up with a maniacal plan. I had no clue what was going through is head and I had a feeling I wasn't going to get it out of him anytime soon. I returned my head back to its resting position on his chest and let him think as wildly as he pleased.


1 week later

Joey's PoV

"Lo?" I yelled.

"Joey I'm right here. There's no need to yell" she said.

"Oh, sorry. I didn't realize you were so close. Are you ready? We need to drop Amelia off at Brian and Meredith's in like 20 minutes."

"Yeah I just have to pick out some shoes and jewelry. Can't you tell me where we're going so I know what I need to be wearing" she pleaded with me. She wasn't going to get this out of me though. I had the best plan laid out. I was recreating our first date. The date we had the day after Lauren had come back from New York so many years ago. Everything was going to be perfect.

"Just put on some flats or sandals and maybe a necklace. It's fairly casual so you don't need to be all glammed out" I told her.

"Okay" she said and went back to our room finish getting ready. A few minutes later she returned. Even wearing this simple outfit she was absolutely gorgeous. In all honesty, I was speechless. I just stared at her.

"Joey stop looking at me like that. Is there something wrong with this? Will it work?" she asked.

"You are... breathtaking" I breathed out.

"Oh stop it Joey" she sneered as she hit me.

"Ow! Lo, listen, I mean it. Not a day goes by where I don't think you're even more beautiful than the last. You just have that way about you and man do I love that way."

At this point she had tears in her eyes. "Come on we have to drop Amelia off" she said. She was obviously trying to play it off.

"Alright I'll go get her" I smiled.

"I love you too, though" she said. I laughed a little bit, grabbed Amelia, Lauren's hand and then walked out the door.

We pulled up to Bri and Mere's and hopped out of the car. I knocked on the door and was promptly greeted by Meredith's huge smile.

"Yay you're here!" she half screamed. "Brian and I are sooo excited to get some practice in and spend time with our favorite little girl!" Meredith practically yanked Amelia from my arms and walked inside. Lauren and I followed.

The Two of Us... Continued: A Richpez FanficWhere stories live. Discover now