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yoonki pov

after i arrived home, i plopped down onto the sofa as i let out a relaxed sigh.

"feels great to be home" i breathed as i smiled.

(okay now time to check out sexy's url before i wash up and catch some zzz(s) )

after keying in the url, the page loaded huge block letters that read "MONSTAX ROBOT INC".

i squirmed slightly in my seat as i continued scrolling down.

"need a boyfriend?" YES

"had enough of your mother's nagging?" YES YES

"busy but long to be loved?" YES YES YESSSSSSSS

"monstax robot inc will satisfy your needs with a perfect boyfriend, made just for you, just to your liking"

"perfect" i whispered.

every possible consequence flooded my head, but my hands seemed to make its own decision as my fingers clicked on the button.

the page had now loaded to the "customise your boyfriend" button.

(customise my boyfriend? perfect i can have him the way i want it and the way ive always dreamt of)

"lets see..." i muttered.


personal info;

name: shin ho seok

nickname: wonho , wonnie

(i thought of a random korean name, a random nickname and a random date of birth)

d.o.b : march 1st

blood type : b

(if he has the same blood type as me it will help in emergencies right? ehehe)
my thoughts are weird this is why im a doctor.

height ; 178cm

i need a tall boyfriend so i can snuggle my face into his chest ok aw that would be really cute :')))

weight ; 73kg

(a/n; idk but google says these are wonho's real info so)

nationality ; korean


eyes; big

guys with big eyes which become small when they smile are cute tbh HAHA.

spectacles; no

he can wear geek specs tho :-)

nose; sharp and wide

(a/n ; wonho's pretty nose is like illuminati ; lit af my wonnie)

ear piercings (state how many + where) ; 1 at each earlobe



whiny; in a cute way, not too much please ><

generous; yes, willing to help out people in need (but not fangirls )

the rest were all giving on a scale from 1-5 ; 1 being the least 5 being the most

aegyo 4

jealousy 3

jealous and posessive guys are cute they make my heart melt but not too jealous it might cause trouble..

my perfect boyfriendWhere stories live. Discover now