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It was precisely 11:30 am on a Tuesday when Jack raised his hand in the middle of math class.

"What is it, Mr. Barakat?" the teacher groaned.

"May I go to the bathroom?" Jack asked politely, smiling slightly. The teacher sighed.

"Make it quick," he replied, handing Jack the lavatory pass. Jack had no intentions of making this trip to the bathroom speedy.


Alex looked at the clock in his history class, mentally slapping himself for not taking into consideration that the teacher could be in the middle of a lesson, which she was. Was that going to stop Alex, though? Of course not.

"May I go to the lavatory?" Alex asked nicely while the teacher was writing on the whiteboard at the front of the class.

"Alexander, I'm in the middle of a lesson!" Alex gritted his teeth. The only people allowed to call him by his full name were his mother and Jack.

"But it's an emergency," he whined, pretending to have stomach pains. The teacher just nodded and returned to writing, not even bothering to give Alex a pass. Not that it really mattered.


"Glad you could make it," Jack said, his voice dripping with sarcasm as he leaned against a bathroom stall, watching Alex rush in the door and drop his bag to the floor.

"The teacher didn't want me to go," Alex sighed, pinning Jack against the sink with both hands on the edge, surrounding his small frame. Jack put his hands on Alex's hips, pulling him in close.

"All that matters is that you're here now," he muttered, the two boys' faces now inches apart. "We could get in a lot of trouble for this," Jack reminded Alex as the older boy took his hand and lead him into the farthest stall from the door.

"That just makes it even hotter," Alex said, locking the door and slamming Jack's back against it. Alex's hands found their way to either side of Jack's head against the door; Jack's arms were wound tightly around Alex's skinny waist.

"I missed you," Jack said, pulling Alex as close as possible, resting their foreheads together.

"We only have two periods apart, idiot," Alex laughed, gazing into Jack's chocolate brown eyes, smiling a toothy smile of blue metal braces when those eyes locked in with his own. Jack smiled back, his own purple braces showing.

"Purple is such a girly color, Jack!" Alex laughed.

"Shut up, Lex, it's for the Ravens!" he defended.

"We have twenty minutes until the end of the period," Jack murmured, nudging Alex's cheek with his nose. Finally, Alex couldn't take the close proximity any longer, closing the distance between Jack's soft lips and his own.

The two boys worked their lips together passionately for a few minutes before the younger decided he wanted to take control. Gripping Alex's hips, he flipped them around and trapped the older boy against the door. "I'm sick of you always being the dominate one," Jack growled, eliciting a soft moan from Alex.

Jack's tongue quickly pushed into Alex's mouth, exploring the familiar space, Alex's tongue wrestling with it. All was going well until the soft sound of metal-on-metal was heard, and both boys gasped in surprise.

"A-Alex," Jack said, unable to move his mouth properly to pronounce the name right.

"Shit," Alex tried to reply, but it also came out sounding really weird.

The purple and blue braces of two fifteen-year-old boys were stuck together.

Jack reached blindly for the door handle, eventually unlocking the stall and letting the two boys out. Together, they quietly stumbled down the hallway, hoping that nobody else would be wandering about or looking out the windows built into the classroom doors.

Eventually, after about 15 minutes of struggling along what should have been a 5 minute route at most, the two boys made it to the nurse's office.

"Help," they whined together, and the school nurse just laughed, standing up to untangle the metal wires. Both boys sighed in relief when their mouths were finally disconnected.

"So, what were you two boys up to?" The nurse smirked, and Alex and Jack just blushed, shaking their heads rapidly to signal that they definitely did not want to discuss the matter.

"I promise I won't tell anyone." She conformed, causing another sigh of relief from the couple as they left to retrieve their backpacks from where they were discarded in the boys bathroom, vowing to never make out in there again.

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