January 17, 2015

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It was a sunny day outside, when the clouds started rumbling. Everyone knew that when they started rumbling it was going to rain. It was like clock work everyday at the same time.This time though the rumbling was louder than it ever had been before. Haley was in the house with her 10 month old baby cousins Jenna . She was in charge of watching her so so took her to the window because she wanted to see what was going on.When she figured out what was going on it surprised her. The trees were catching on fire, the plant were wilting. Then something else came to her they were the only ones in the house. Then the thoughts came flooding through her mind. "how can this be this is my house and everyone was in here when we left about five minutes ago". Then it dawned on her the was a house identical to her on the corner down about five minuets from her house. While she looked around the house like it was a whole different planet. She started to hear little pitter patter of baby feet. She knew that it was not her baby cousin because she was in her arms. She grabbed the closest thing to her. That just so happened to be a frying pan. She slowly walked up the stair with the baby in one arm and the frying pan in the other hand. As she was trying to be quite she tripped and fell. Jenna was alright but Haley had a very badly skinned knee. When she looked up she saw her best friend Kristin with her 10 month old baby cousin David. The first thing that came to her mind was"why are you in here". Haley say. "This is my house". Kristin says.  Haley say" no this isn't".  "Yes it is just every time that you come over to stay the night or come and pick me up I am at my grandmas house but she is never there". Kristin says.  "Well why are you here right now"."I am hiding from a man that was following us. When I saw that he was following me i took off running and didn't even look back. I took our special alley that we take to get to your house faster. There was just one thing that Haley knew that Kristin didn't. Haley was trying I figure out the right way to tell her best friend that she knew exactly who was following them. The person that was following them was Kristin's dad. He had contacted her over Facebook because he saw that she was best fiend with his daughter. Haley and Kristin went everywhere together and were always taking pictures. Haley has just decided to go for it and tell her because she knows that if he didn't tell her then she wouldn't much of a friend.
Hey Kristin can I tell you something.
Yeah what it is. This happened just a couple of days ago but I didn't think he would actually follow though whit his word. Do you remember when we went and tired to talk to you dad about a month ago. Yeah, what are you get at here. We'll you know how we found but he didn't want to talk to you. Haley can we please not do this today. Just hear me out please. Well ten days ago I got a message on Facebook while I was at school asking if there was anyway that I could tell him how he could get a hold of you. I just said that you don't have a phone so he could call you but you like to go on walks, you baby sit you little cousin and that school gets out at 1:30. Then he came back and said that he was going to catch you on you way home from school.  So I told him that you pick up your cousin before you head home. He said that it was fine but he knew where I lived and he knew that you lived just a couple blocks away.  That person that was following you was you dad. By this time both Haley a Kristin were crying. The. Haley asks can you forgive me I should of told you right after it happened.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2016 ⏰

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