Chapter Two

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If Joshua could cast a spell to get rid off all the attention he receives, he would. He was tired of all the girls waiting to walk him to class. He eagerly wanted to dismiss them. To tell them that his heart was taken. He couldn't yet, sadly. He also wanted to get rid of some of his friends. Not Mingyu, not Hansol, not Minghao, not Junhui, not Chan, not Seungkwan, not Wonwoo either. But the rest of his friends could go suck a toe.

They were all so closed-minded and it irritated him so much. But in the end, to Joshua, it was all worth it. 'Cause once he gathers enough courage to confess to his beloved Prince, he won't have to deal with them. Well, if all things go well.

Joshua has had his eyes on Yoon Jeonghan for quite some time. But the beauty was such a beauty, there was not a day that went by that Joshua didn't think of him. His skin looked so nice, he believed he could do a makeup commercial better than most females. His hair was nicer than Selena Gomez's, his body better than Kim Kardashian's, and he seemed so nice and goofy. It took him so much courage to even talk to him yesterday.

He still couldn't wrap his head around the fact that he had set himself up to talk to him everyday. It would be hard, but Joshua believed he could do it. He hoped that he would be able to talk to his crush smoothly, without sweaty hands and a stuttering problem.

"Joshua! Are you even listening to me? Yah! Is this a joke to you?" Hansol yelled, pulling Joshua's ears. "Dude! What's the problem? What were you talking about anyway?" Hansol huffed and crossed his arms on his chest, clearly annoyed. It was lunch and Joshua was thinking about how he still hadn't seen Jeonghan that day.

The boy's face lit up when he saw a lilac haired boy laughing as he walked in with his friends. He looked at Jeonghan's shoes immediately, noticing they were untied. He got up without thought, walking to Jeonghan.

"Jeonghan-ah! You forgot to tie your shoelaces once more," he said, smiling at him. Jeonghan stood there, in shock. Sure he was excited for Joshua had actually talked to him, but he didn't really believe the American would. "Thank you, Joshua." Without a thought Joshua smiled, walking to him and put his arm around him.

"No problem, as long as you remember soon." Joshua was too distracted with Jeonghan, that he didn't notice Jihoon's fangirling and Seungcheol's shocked expression. While Soonyoung and Seokmin just stared, too shocked to cope with the situation. They were happy for his friend.

"Oh, and Jeonghan. Just call me Jisoo, all my friends call me Jisoo." With that, Joshua -who was now Jisoo to Jeonghan, even though he secretly called him that anyway- walked away.

"Jeonghan! You weren't lying, he actually talks to you!" Jihoon fangirled onto Jeonghan, kicking around like a kid. "Well, I wouldn't lie about that, would I?" Jihoon nodded his head, walking back to his boyfriend.

Jeonghan knelt and tied his shoelaces. "Hurry up! Or there won't be dessert!" Jihoon complained, Soonyoung agreeing. The older boy finished up quickly, and stood once more. He walked with his friends to lunch, getting food.

As they all go there for food and looked for a place to sit, Jisoo noticed and did something bold. He called them over. "Jeonghan-ah! You guys can come and sit with us!" Jeonghan and his friends were shocked, and relentlessly sat down with him. The table was surprisingly empty, only Jisoo and Hansol sitting there.

"W-Where are your friends?" Jeonghan asked shyly, fiddling with his fingers and staring at the table. "Oh. Well, I don't really know. Hansol, do you?" Hansol shook his head, scanning the boys.

"Seokmin," Hansol said quietly, looking at him slowly. Seokmin looked at him too, curious. "You're in my class, aren't you?" Seokmin nodded, realizing it too. "Oh, this is the Leonardo DiCaprio kid," Soonyoung exclaimed.

"Yeah. Just, please don't call me that," Hansol pleaded, looking at the older boy could hear the pleading tone in the younger's, so he smiled and nodded. "So, you guys know each other?" Jisoo questioned Hansol and the others, eye brow raised. They nodded, sending smiles at him.

"Well, Jeonghan introduce me to your friends," Jisoo smiled at the long haired boy. Jeonghan returned the gesture, turning to his friends in panic. Seungcheol understood the message and opened his mouth to speak.

"Well, I'm Seungcheol. And this is my boyfriend, Jihoon." Jihoon sent a wave to everyone and continued to munch on his dessert.

"Well, I'm Soonyoung, hello." Soonyoung offered his hand to Jisoo to shake, and Jisoo took it.

"And well, I'm Seokmin." Seokmin sends Jisoo his eye-to-eye smile.

"Great, well Jeonghan, seems like you have great friends!" Jisoo says enthusiastically. Hansol nodded in agreement, eating his food too. "Well . . . I guess so. I'm kind of just lucky," Jeonghan mumbled the last part, thinking about how ironic the statement actually was.

Him? Lucky? Nope.

He's always messing something up or being messed around with by someone else. It's a complicated thing, honestly. To Jeonghan, it's an effing miracle that he was able to talk to Jisoo. It was another miracle that Jisoo reminds him to tie his shoelaces and let him and friends sit with him.

Miracles! Everything good that happened to Jeonghan were all miracles! Because after all, his luck was rotten. Argue with him all you want, he was too thickheaded to agree with anyone else. His luck was rotten, and that was it.

"Kind of lucky? I don't think so. Every time I see you, you're always falling or something." Fudge. Jeonghan had thought that Jisoo hadn't heard that part. He was well, clearly wrong. Very wrong.

He scratched the back of his head, laughing nervously. "I'm just a tad bit clumsy and my memory's shot so . . ." Jeonghan looked at anywhere but Jisoo. He already knew what his reaction would be. A, he wouldn't care. Or B, he'd try to test it out or C, make fun of him.

To his dismay, the reaction was neither.

"Really? Maybe we can fix it," Jisoo suggested, concern in his voice. That, right there, was why Jeonghan remembered why he likes Jisoo so much. Because he's not like everyone else. He learned to never compare Jisoo to someone else, simply because Jisoo was too special to be compared to normal people.

All rights reserved © animenbands
Edited August 31st, 2016

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