Chapter Seven (The End)

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When Jeonghan told his friends what he was going to be doing, he did not expect to see Jihoon jump up and down and scream "OTP" at the top of his lungs for two minutes straight. He didn't expect a speech from Seungcheol about protection. He really did not expect Soongyoung or Seokmin to talk about how to give hickeys. And though he wanted to block them all out, he did not.

They were actually giving him good advice. He was new to this whole boy on boy love. He liked it, but he had never been in a relationship before. Plus, Jeonghan wouldn't really classify himself as gay. He was just himself. He's had two interests all of his life, and they both happened to be boys. But it wasn't really because they were boys, more so, because they were them. He wasn't sure that made much sense though.

"If he breaks your heart then I'll break his face, but that dear, that is not the point. The point is that my OTP will finally come true!" Jihoon was smiling happily, and for the first time allowing himself to be cute. It was amusing to watch. "That's if he says yes," Jeonghan reminded his friend sadly. "Shut the fuck up." So with that Jeonghan's lips were sealed for the rest of the day.

It wasn't until break until he left the classroom to search for Jisoo.


"Hey! Joshua, someone's calling you out." Minghao gently shook Joshua, trying to get him to wake up. It was break time, and just like agreed, Jeonghan had showed up to have their talk. "Who is it?" Joshua asked, his voice groggy. He wanted to continue sleeping, but the hope that it was Jeonghan was still there.

"Um, some boy named Jeonghan. The one you and Hansol are always talking about." At the mention of Jeonghan's name, Joshua immediately sat up. "Is it really him?" Joshua questioned Minghao. The cute boy nodded eagerly, offering Joshua a reassuring smile. Joshua stood up just as fast as he sat straight up.

He walked towards the door, students already turning their attention to him. After all, he will always be mister popular. "Jeonghan? You called me out?" Joshua wanted to sound as cool as possible (and he luckily managed) but in reality he was super anxious to find out what Jeonghan wanted.

"Yeah, I have something to ask you." Joshua understood, so he stepped outside his classroom. "Let's go somewhere more private then, shall we?" Jeonghan nodded eagerly as a response, worried that if he got rejected people would hear. He hated embarrassment. One time, when he confessed to the boy that he liked when he was just a young boy, he called him ugly and blew sand at him in front of his whole class. Everyone laughed at him. Though, now that he thinks about it, he was nowhere near as cute as Jisoo. At least that's how it is in his eyes.

Joshua led him to the rooftop. Joshua wanted to make a corny comment on how all love confessions were on the rooftop. That is, until he remembered that he had already confessed but ever since, their relationship hasn't evolved. Due to the thought, Joshua frowned deeply. He tried not to let it show. What if he ruined the mood? But he seemed to be too obvious.

"Jisoo? Is there something wrong?" Jeonghan was truly concerned with Joshua, as his frown would only turn deeper. "Yeah, just ask me whatever you wanted to ask me." Jeonghan shook his head no, and began insisting he only would, if Joshua told him what was wrong. "Not until you tell me what's wrong."

Joshua could only look up and lock eyes with Jeonghan, offering him a gentle smile. Their feelings are mutual, he knew this. It was a good thing. But he couldn't help but want more. He took a deep breath in. "I just wish our relationship could evolve," he then sighed, letting out all of the stress and extra air he had been holding in.

Jeonghan's eyes flickered with emotion, from concern to goofy. Joshua wanted to ask him what was up. He stayed quiet and waited for Jeonghan's response as to what he had just said.

"Idiot, Joshua. You idiot." He then smiled such a beautiful and natural smile, Joshua wished it would last forever. He took several mental pictures, only wishing he could take an actual one. He prayed that God would let him grave it into his memory, because Jeonghan was just so beautiful. To him, Jeonghan is breathtaking and no one could ever change his mind. Jeonghan was so beautiful, he'd be willing to tattoo his face on his back and never have it removed or covered up.

Joshua is that crazy about Jeonghan.

"Why am I an idiot, huh love?" Jeonghan blushed furiously. "Here we go again with the love," he mumbled to himself. "I was wondering something," Jeonghan began, fiddling with his fingers. He was kicking his right leg around, and even though he wanted to play with his hair he could not because it was in a ponytail.

"I was wondering if you would like to be my lover? What about it, love?" He said it. He finally asked his beloved to officially date him. He also called his beloved love. He killed two birds with one stone and he would so die of happiness if Joshua said yes. Joshua's mouth was left slightly open. He wanted to hug Jeonghan and whisper sweet nothings in Jeonghan's ears. He also wanted to kiss Jeonghan's perfect lips.

"You are so fucking cute," Joshua let the words slip out in English. But before, Jeonghan could ask what those words meant, Jsohua had already ran up to him and hugged him tightly. "I love you more than anything ever. You mean so much to me already. From now on please take care of me, love." Jeonghan could only nod.

Joshua basically said yes. But just to be on the safe side . . . "that's a yes right?" Joshua only nodded, kissing Jeonghan's cheek. Jeonghan didn't want to cry this time. He felt like it was too beautiful of a moment to cry. So instead he left himself sink into Joshua's neck and fragrance. He wanted to stay like that forever. He was now dating his first love. His first actual love. Joshua had never been just a mere crush. He was now dating him. It made him feel . . . amazing.

Joshua slightly pulled away from Jeonghan, only to look at his shoes.

"Well if you look at that. You remembered to tie your shoelaces." Jeonghan laughed sheepishly and Joshua just gave him a cheeky smile. After all, shoelaces were what started this all.

All Rights Reserved © 2016 animenbands

(It's official! Shoelaces is now officially over. Thank you to everyone who read, voted, and commented. You guys all mean so much to me. It's nice to see so many people read this. Shoelaces was pretty cute and it took all of my might too write it. Please look forward to more JiHan books and other SEVENTEEN fan fiction written by me in the future! I love you all and please take care!

-Sincerely yours, animenbands ❤️)

Edited September 2nd, 2016

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