Chapter Three

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It was a new day. It was a fresh start for Jeonghan, because for the first time ever he remembered to tie his shoelaces. He was putting them on, and it hit him. Did he seriously just remember to do something?

"Mom! A miracle just happened!" He yelled, his long hair getting in his mouth a bit. Of course, his mother did not hear him since she was too busy sleeping. He noticed and decided on not telling his mom. He left his house and locked the door on his way out. But something felt odd. He decided on not tying his shoelaces, to test out if Jisoo would actually remember. Jeonghan really wants Jisoo to talk to him! Even if it makes him a blushing mess. It was all worth it for him.

Jeonghan walked in peace, humming to a random beat that he heard his last time listening to the radio. If he recalled correctly, the song was by f(x). Four walls, was it? It probably was. "I love you." Jeonghan freaked, turning to look at around him and only seeing a couple. He huffed, annoyed already.

Jeonghan didn't really like couples. They were only there to torture him. To remind him he was never going to have that with the one he loved. Jeonghan was no longer smiling, yet frowning deeply. Then he tripped, and his frown became deeper. If that was even possible. He got back up, cleaning himself up since there were rocks attached to his clothing and palms. Small rocks, but they were still there.

Sometimes, but only sometimes, did Jeonghan think he was invincible and that he could destroy all of those tiny rocks. But he only thought such things when he was bored. He had to be really super bored too. "Jeonghan-ah! Is that you?" He halted, recognizing the sweet voice. "Jisoo-ah," Jeonghan whispered silently, smiling to himself.

"What a relief that it's you! Let's go to class together, shall we?" Jeonghan only nodded at the younger's suggestions, flushing red. 'How manly of me to blush' the older thought. "You alright?" Joshua asked Jeonghan, concern full in his voice. Jeonghan nodded, continuing to walk. They were so far away from the campus, but walking with Joshua made the journey feel quick. It felt as if it would take forever to get there yet Jeonghan knew it was about a block away.

"Oh, by the way Jeonghan, your shoelaces are untied." There. That's all he has to say and Jeonghan's heart was beating rapidly. He couldn't help it. Not in the slightest. No one in this world could make Jeonghan as happy as Jisoo. "You actually remember to remind me," Jeonghan commented, getting on his right knee to tie his shoelaces. "Of course, I couldn't miss up a chance to talk to you, now could I?" Jeonghan immediately turned to look at Jisoo and saw the boy was flushing pink just like him. The long haired boy let out a giggle, then covering his mouth. That made Joshua laugh a bit.

"Jeonghan, I need to talk to you. Is during lunch, okay?" The lilac colored head boy could only nod dumbly. They continued to walk but no longer bothered conversing. As soon as they stepped in Joshua was being crowded by chicks. Jeonghan couldn't help but feel annoyed. Of course, he didn't say anything. It wasn't his place. Jeonghan knew it never would be. But something in him kept giving him hope.

Yes, sometimes hope is a good thing. But other times hope can crush a person. Jeonghan didn't want to be crushed. No matter what the cost.

In a very odd way though, Jeonghan felt that if he ever got the chance to give himself to Joshua, it would be the best decision of his life. He was probably right.

All Rights Reserved © animenbands
(I am sorry I did not update Friday! Wattpad was having difficulties and I tried yesterday but everything I wrote Friday that wouldn't sync to the Internet was gone. I was so crushed I wasn't in the mood to write. And this is so short it's cringe worthy. I'm planning on updating really soon, maybe even tonight okay?

-Sincerely yours, animenbands ❤️)

Edited August 31st, 2016

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