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Five years later and it was all the same, but somehow, it was completely different.

Cher and Harry were engaged. Harry owned a bakery and Cher wrote songs, but she never bothered to sing them.

Danielle and Liam were married with a baby girl on the way. Danielle, who wasn't able to work properly at the moment, was a nurse at the hospital a half hour away. Liam was a firefighter- possibly the best in the city.

Perrie and Zayn were married as well with a five-month-old baby boy named Kenny. Perrie worked as a nurse with Danielle, currently taking the pregnant woman's place. Zayn was an English teacher; an artist on the side.

Eleanor was a lawyer (a model on the side), and she was constantly donating to charities and helping people in need. Eleanor didn't change. She was dating a man called Ryan- a pilot from Sweden, and they were perfect for each other.

Louis and Niall were still just Louis and Niall, and they were perfectly happy. Louis was a therapist and Niall was an author. He wrote books about his life but used different names for every character and published them under a fake name- Greg Tomlinson. It wasn't very creative, but he didn't care. He loved the name, and he wanted to keep it that way.

Five years later, and they were all happy.


Louis fidgeted in his seat. The small black box in his pocket felt much too heavy, as if it were weighing him down. Liam patted his shoulder, his other arm wrapped around Danielle, who was holding their two-month old baby called Daisy.

"Calm down, Lou," Liam said, rubbing his shoulder gently and trying to give him some form of assurance. He knew how scary this was, though. He'd nearly pissed himself when he did it. "You'll be fine."

"Wh-what if he says no?" Louis asked, his heart beating too hard for his liking. Harry, who knew what this felt like as well, rolled his eyes.

"Louis Tomlinson, Niall loves you, and he trusts you. He's happy with you, Louis, and he wasn't happy with anyone except for his brother." Harry said. He was actually positive that Niall would say yes. "He'll say yes, Louis. He loves you."

Louis calmed down slightly at Harry's words, nodding. Eleanor was bringing Niall to the fancy restaurant they were sat in, and Louis was going to do something that would change their lives- hopefully for the better.

"Here they come." Perrie said, patting Louis' arm to get his attention. She silently wished him luck. "You can do it, Louis."

"Hi," Eleanor said. Her hand was around Niall's, leading the blonde boy to their table. "here we are, Niall."

Louis stood up as Eleanor sat down, taking Niall's hand before the blonde boy could sit down. Niall looked up at Louis, who leaned down to kiss him. "Niall, I love you, and what I'm about to do would probably be more special if we were alone, but . . . our first kiss as a couple happened in front of our friends, too."

Niall frowned, confused. Shakily, Louis got down on his knee and pulled the little black box out of his pocket, opening it to reveal the ring. Niall's eyes widened, his hand going over his mouth as if to block words that were never going to come out.

"Niall, I've never been one to start conversations- I've always been too shy for my own good, but when I saw you in the bathroom on the first day of school, I knew I had to talk to you, even if you wouldn't talk to me."

Louis willed his hands and voice to stop shaking. The world around them seemed to freeze as the people around them stopped in the middle of their dinners to stare and listen.

"You're broken, Niall, but I don't mind. I have my own flaws but you overlooked them, and you fell for me like I fell for you. Your flaws are perfect to me anyhow, every single one of them, because you make them beautiful." Louis hadn't planned out what he was saying, but from everyone's smiles and happy tears, and Niall's shaking hand over his mouth, he figured he was doing alright.

Louis kept his eyes locked with Niall's. "I don't remember my life without you, and it's hard to believe it took me so long to realize my feelings for you. They've always been there, Ni, ever since the first day I met you, and they always will be there."

Niall was biting his lip, smiling down at Louis as tears fell slowly from his eyes. Louis wanted to stand up and wipe them away, but he felt his speech was coming to an end, and he could do that in a few moments.

"You still struggle, baby, and that's okay. I want to be with you every step of the way. I want to pick you up when you're down, I want to kiss away your tears, and I want to take away your pain. I want to be with you through this, Ni, and even after it's all over. Will you let me be there, Niall? Will you marry me?"

It was the longest two seconds of Louis' life as Niall stood there, frozen, and everything was silent- people waiting for Niall's answer. Niall nodded, falling to his knees in front of Louis to kiss him.

Then, people around them were clapping and crying. Danielle, Perrie, Cher, and Eleanor held each other as they cried. Liam had taken Daisy into his arms, Zayn held Kenny's hand, and Harry put a protective hand over Cher's small baby bump (which looked a bit odd to the rest of them because Cher had gotten pregnant only a month ago and they hadn't told their friends yet).

Louis, fumbling (unable to see), slipped the ring onto Niall's finger, then wrapped his arms around Niall's waist. "I love you, Niall."

Niall smiled widely and locked his hands with Louis', looking into Louis' happy, blue eyes. "I-I love you too."

Niall's voice was shaky but it sounded perfect, and a tear slipped out of Louis' eye before he kissed Niall again, holding tightly to the boy he loved.

Soon, they would have a family too.


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