Mate Problems!

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Ciao my evil kittens and babies, I know I posted not to long ago earlier yesterday, I didn't even think I WOULD FIND ANYTHING LIKE THIS. Well I did and I'm sure you all are either interested or feeling bad but, let's see how this goes.

We all know Ms. Solarstar right. She has a great clan, great friends, but has really bad choices in mates am I right? I mean we all have bad mates sometimes but multiple ones is just sad. Dating online isn't a thing you should do unless you and your partner are sure YOU CAN TRUST EACHOTHER. I mean, on world craft there are some Thirsty whores, who only want sex sooner or later. We aren't getting into those though were going to get on this "Mate Problem." That people on world craft seem to have.

Meaning basically in our Clan world, a Life long partner you make kits with, you have a deep connection and understanding of one another. WRONG, in our world, it is just a smash and dash. You run to the next female or male you see soon as you can. I honestly don't like that idea now let's get back to the topic.

Solarstar, if you ever do read this I have to say, I respect you in like every way, but guuuurrlll.

Haven't you had enough men in your life? Toxiccross. A huge damn mistake you made but yet, you still claim to love him. *Cough* lie! Then Arcticfrost and Polarheart.e Let's not forget Mari as well, now you're telling us you have two bae's? I personally find that word dumb.

BAE! Just say their names, they were given it for a reason. It sounds stupid in my opinion, Any-whore. Why though? Like can you pick who and what you want. Having thousands of mates I might have forgot isn't cool, it makes you look like a straight up slut in my opinion. I'm wondering also what do you guys think of this? She even almost slept with her own nephew that isn't even right. Who in the right mind could do that. INCEST ALERT. I'm just putting this gossip out their that girl you are right on the spot and scene as the ho of the year for me.


What happen to all our Independent women out their who don't need a mate. Can I get some messages from you who agree? We don't need a mate always, you can do things on your own think for yourself, don't hide under mate because you're "lonely."  I get it you want a life long partner, but you're young just wait awhile trust me. They'll come to you, no more smashing and dashing; having more mates. Etc.

Anyway guys, I know this might have been short but, I hope you seen my view on this. We don't always need a mate, it leads to stress and problems. Worrying are one of you cheating or not. Show me your thoughts though. Should we let this kind of stuff go? Let our soon to be women in the world not know it isn't okay to change up people you think you love so much? If so or not why? That's all the time I have love you all. Xoxo, comment down all you want.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2016 ⏰

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