Instead of walking up to me and finishing what he started, he turned and sprinted. Just seconds later I counted my blessings and scrawled towards the Air Defense building. Next to me something fell in the sand. I was to busy trying to not use my right leg to really notice. The bomb exploded.
An very annoying bleep sounded in my ears. I was laying on my back on the hot sand. Above me the fight was still going on, but here on the ground it seemed strangely silent. Another bomb exploded. It let the sand rise up as the lava of a volcano. I never stood a chance.
With all my might I got up. Dragging myself along towards where I thought the Air defense building was. Triggering towards it slower than time could ever go by. You can do this I told myself. Boots appeared in my vision. It was over I told myself. The boots disappeared. See, you can do it I said to myself.
I wasn't right. The boots had planted a bomb. And it exploded 25 meters in front of me. The world was black.My feet dragged through the sand. I didn't get how. The sand under me was staining red. My surroundings became dark for a second before it became light blue. My feet where on a metal floor.
"Grab me a medics kit," Racgo yelled to the pupils. Macime came running to give him one. As quickly as he could he put patches on the wound on the right side of her stomach. After he bound that he looked at the gash in her arm, her head and on her left leg. Then he started the extraction of the bullet out of her right knee. I choose that moment to come back to positives.
"AAAAAAHHH," I yelled, trying to get up. "Don't you have a sedative," Luke asked. Racgo shook his head. "Just bind it then," Luke said," we'll bring her to the hospital bay." Racgo nodded with a straight face and wound some dressing around it.
The sounds of the fights outside seemed to fall away. "We are on the winning hand," Matthew yelled from the entrance. "Is it safe enough to move yet," Luke asked. "No," said Matthew," still very many explosives and shooting." Luke sighted. "We are going anyway," said Racgo," she desperately needs treatment." I shot up and grabbed Racgo's upper arm. "No, we are not going," I said," we have another wounded person. I'd rather be safe than sorry. So we are not going. Yet." I whined in pain when he pulled the dressing around my knee tighter. "Ten minutes," he said," and then we are really going." I nodded letting the pain flood over me as Luke pulled me on to a stretcher. I bit down hard while being moved. Within no time blood was everywhere again.
"The ten minutes are over," Racgo said. Luke made a protesting sound but Racgo only had to point one time and me. "She is dying," he said," do you want to tell Doctor Sinclair." My eyes shot open. So I had heard it right. "Please do tell her," I said in pain," and at the same time kick her for me please. I never had a Mom and I will never have one. We. Will. Wait."The next thing I know we were rushing towards one of the Air Ships. The people carrying the stretcher I didn't know. The men in front of us I did. Racgo. Sand roses up from everywhere burning in my eyes. My mind was shattered. Not able to handle everything that had happened and now came at me. I fainted again.