Boyfriends and Best Friends

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Grace's POV

My phone starts ringing I set my Chemistry book down. Looking at the screen a see Jake's face. I smile we talked like ten minutes ago and he knows I need to study. I answer a little frustrated with him and a lot frustrated with ionic compounds.

"Jake, how am I supposed to pass my Chemistry test if you won't let me study?" I ask him.

To my surprise it's not Jake on the other end but Benjamin.

"Hello Grace, I'm sorry I interrupted your studying. It's actually not Jake it's Benjamin." Benjamin tells me.

Jake filled me in on what happened or more correctly what didn't happen with Nat and Benjamin. I would be mad at her for that if, you know, I wasn't already mad enough that we aren't friends anymore. It's a lot easier to not be friends with her when we live across the country from each other. 

"That's okay Benjamin, what can I help you with.

"I have a huge favor to ask of you, Grace." He tells me. 

 I am kinda cautious as to what he needs from me. I may be dating his BFF but Benjamin and I don't really talk since that first night. Any dope could tell you he is sad about Natalia. I have a sneaking suspicion that this favor has to do with her.

"What?" I ask very wary now.

"I need you to get Natalia to come to our New York concert tomorrow night." He tells me.

Yep, sadly I am right.

"I'm sorry but I'm not friends with Natalia anymore."

"I know that but it's really important." He pleads.

"Look Benjamin, I really want to help you but she hates me. She wouldn't listen to me even if I called." I tell him.

"No way. I refuse to accept that Grace, you two are best friends, I don't know what went down with you guys, and I know you guys are both strong willed but I bet you both regret what you said. You guys are best friends the forever is a given. Don't do this for me do it for you. You need her and she needs you. I need to know why she never called me. Please Grace, just try."

I must admit. Benjamin makes a pretty good case.

"Okay I was going anyway, Harvard's on the way." I tell him.

"Whatever happened to her going to school in Florida to be a teacher?" He asks me.

"I heard that she told her mom, and her mom told her she would pay for Harvard for law only." I say sadly.

"Oh wow." He says. "She must need a friend right now."

I breathe a sigh, "Fine I need an extra backstage ticket.

"Grace you're awesome."

And that is how I end up 12 hours later at a dorm room door at Harvard.

I don't know what I am going to say, or what I will do if she refuses to come to the show with me. I suck in a big breath of air and knock on the door before I can change my mind and abort mission.

I hear the door chain rattle and the door swing open.

Standing in front of me is...............

 definitely not  Natalia.

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