Blind with rage I thrust the knife at the enemies head, he swiftly pulls back and dodges the blow. I stumble I try another blow this time aimed at my enemies head he moves again and this time I'm thrust to the floor, blind I scramble for my weapon. Finally I find it and for it was to late I had already been struck down.
"Great training session Entror" said Johnny "Yeah you too" I said. I was tired so I decided to lie down, when I woke it was late and I had a prying hunger so I decided to eat some bread. While eating I saw a mysterious figure move in the bushes in our area we call home
I take my knife and other weapons to inspect the bush and I saw a creature of such vile nature I almost screamed in horror, for it was eating Johnny.
Immediately I thrust my weapon at the creature, the blow was avoided as it took to the sky, it attempted to dive and kill me but I dodged and tried a counter strike. The creature shrieked in dying pain and collapses to the ground with a soft thud.
I found myself panting with fatigue soon after the creatures death, I tried to find out what this thing was, it was utterly inhuman so I would have no clue.
I ran to Johnny's aid and then I saw exactly how dismembered he was. There was no chance of saving him in this state. I decided to sit and think about how close we were while he was living.
At that time I vowed to murder everything that stood in my way. I will conquer till I've been conquered , I will stop lives till mine.
"For you have failed to destroy me Guhaman" I said "You have yet to see last of I, Entror" said Guhaman "But yet I have" I said immediately separating his head from his neck.
"Can I get a worthy opponent" I said for I had defeated all who came my direction.
A mighty dragon swooped down to inflict damage upon me, but I was swift and keen to my movements so I easily got on the the beast's head to separate it's leg from the body. For it was unhappy about this so it threw me off and pinned me to the ground by one claw I sliced off the beast's foot and sliced of the beastly head that the beast had previously owned.
I later made a meal out of the beast and some garments that fit snugly, "That should do for a while" I said. I later tried to find more people who challenge me yet no avail.
Later an assassin tried to challenge me, he struck several blows and I eventually killed the assassin and I took his life like many.
"I want to be challenged" I exclaimed hoping someone would hear my plead. A portal then appeared fearful I stepped in and for what I saw was fear invoking, a hundred humans in armor full with blades as sharp as reptile fangs and stern, bloodcurdling faces.
The army charged, I knowing I 'twas not ready for the army I accepted the challenge killing off as many as I could before my blood was spilt, I was back stabbed by one of the armies own. I saw a leader approach me and said "You fought well Entror"
The room went dark and I was relieved of my pain, I felt free to do what I want, for I had been sent to the land in the clouds, there were a multitude of enemies there. With a smile I had killed as many as I had wanted and I had noticed I was not fatigued by hunger nor exhaustion.
So I went on fighting until I was being pulled by an unrecognizable force.
I realized I was back at my world where I had witnessed my friend get killed. For that was a sad day and I ruthlessly killed anything afterwards. Now I ask my self was it worth it to kill such malevolent beasts, to spill blood that had had spilt blood. Then I knew that I have to accept death before me, for anyone that had stood in my way was murdered, not sparing innocent, or evil no matter what circumstance.
For I realized I was given a second chance to spare those not spared, don't kill those killed. I will accept the death of my colleague Johnny may you rest in peace.
I then decided to spare innocent and disabled. "For Johnny" I declared spirit-fully, I went on killing evil because that is what Johnny would have wanted me to do for revenge. I will kill all evil that is worthy.