Chapter 15

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Instead of me telling something up here we are going to just hop into the story 😊
Olivia's P.O.V
Why........ It was the one question that played in my mind over and over again. I mean did he even think about it even if Jessica didn't spike his drink. All I ever gave him was unconditional love. I told myself that I wouldn't let this breakup get to me but Kaleb is the actual real boyfriend I've ever had. I mean I want to be with him but I don't know if I can. All of these things were in my mind while I sat there on my bed crying my eyes out surrounded by 7 boxes of tissues. Before I used to believe in love but now I question love. Honestly what is love and how can we tell if others do really love us. I was always told love is whenever you see that person you completely fall in love every single time it's like a roller coaster sometimes there will be fights and bumpy parts but after that it thrills you.

~authors note~
To be honest this is what I feel love is like where you can be you and nobody judges. Anyway if any of you were wondering I watched the boy a couple of days ago and that plot twist tho like I wasn't expecting it I got a little freaked. - love kalithekoala

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