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This night is sparkling, don't you let it go

I'm wonderstruck, blushing all the way home

I'll spend forever wondering if you knew

I was enchanted to meet you


Mitch sat in the back of his uber and looked out the window watching the headlights of cars and cabs zoom by. He tilted his head up a bit and squinted at the lights from billboards that were illuminating the night sky. He wished he could see the stars, but light pollution was a real thing in LA and there was no chance that would be happening anytime soon.

Mitch glanced down at his phone and saw that he had a message from Scott. He quickly remembered that Scott had sent him the picture they had taken together at the after party. Mitch slide open his phone and typed in his passcode. He went to the messages app and opened his message from Scott. He clicked on the picture and saved it. 

Mitch found himself just staring at the picture. They were standing close to one another in the picture, Scott smiling widely at the camera and Mitch making a somewhat pouty face. Mitch smiled as he remembered that the picture was Scott's idea. He remembered feeling the heat radiate off of Scott's body and he could smell his cologne. And yes, he smelled so good

Mitch noticed that apparently the photo had been taken in bursts. Tori must've just been holding down the button. He viewed all of the pictures in the burst and stopped on the first one. Mitch was already posing for the camera but Scott was looking at Mitch. He was watching him and smiling at him but in the next couple pictures Scott was looking right into the camera as if he hadn't just been staring at Mitch. Mitch scrolled back through the bursts to the first one and stared at the way Scott was looking at him.

Somehow he had become absolutely smitten with Scott. He wanted to text him right now but didn't want to come off as clingy, besides Scott seemed to only want to text for work related stuff. 

But then again he did mention watching Spongebob together sometime. Mitch locked his phone and shoved it back into his pocket. 

Before he knew it the uber was pulling up in front of his apartment complex. He thanked the driver and climbed out before walking up the steps to the front. He decided to take the elevator and treat himself since he had stayed longer than he had ever expected at the after party. 

Mitch unlocked his apartment door and walked in. He was greeted with the sight of Wyatt curled up in the corner of the couch, wedged between the arm and the back of it. Wyatt looked up lazily at Mitch and then closed his eyes once again. 

"It's good to see you too, Wyatt." Mitch said sarcastically. He slipped off his shoes and bent over to pick them up. He dragged himself into his room and placed his shoes at the bottom of his closet. Mitch stripped off his clothes and threw them into his hamper before flopping down onto his bed. He reached for his phone charger and plugged in his phone that was on 7%. 

Thank God for low power mode. 

Mitch sighed as he read a text from his manager, Esther, asking how the after party was and how long he had stayed. He decided to save the text for the next morning seeing as it was already 1:30 in the morning.

Mitch didn't even know how to answer Esther. Oh? The afterparty? It was great. I met this really great guy who is super cute and smells great. We really hit it off. We might even collaborate on something. He also mentioned something about coming over sometime so we could watch Spongebob together. 

Mitch could not stop thinking about Scott. He couldn't stop thinking about the way he placed his hand over his mouth when he was laughing at something or the way his blue eyes held onto Mitch's as they talked the night away. His eyes had kept him anchored in the moments they were together.

Mitch pressed the home button on his phone bringing it to life. He opened twitter and scrolled through it but found nothing interesting. He decided to search for Scott and wondered if it would be strange to follow him. He decided it would be okay since he had his phone number and they had chatted all night long. He moved onto Instagram then and followed him there too. 

Mitch clicked his home button and went to his pictures. He went to the most recent picture and smiled to himself. He went back to Instagram and clicked on the blue camera icon before clicking on his most recent photo in his camera roll. He went through the next couple of steps before he found himself at the caption portion.

And this was always the hardest part. 

He tapped his thumbs across the keyboard with the usual captions, but he felt as if none of them were truly special enough to convey how much Mitch actually enjoyed Scott's company. Mitch bit his bottom lip before typing out: 

it was enchanting to meet you

He had truly been enchanted by Scott Hoying. His charm and wit had captivated him. And the fact that they had so much in common with one another. Mitch would be honored just to be Scott's friend, nothing more, just his friend. If they went beyond friends then Mitch would be ecstatic, but right now he would settle for friends. 

Mitch looked back over his caption and wondered if he should add an emoji. Was no emoji too serious? Would an emoji be appropriate for this situation? Before Mitch could really think too far into it he shrugged, tagged Scott in the picture and clicked "post", waiting for the blue bar to fill all the way up showing that it had posted.  

Before he went back on himself and deleted it, he closed out of the app and placed his phone face down on his nightstand.

In the distance he heard Wyatt jump off of the couch and knew that he was heading for Mitch's room. Sure enough a few moments later he felt Wyatt jump onto his bed and curl up by his stomach. Mitch brushed across Wyatt with his fingers and stared into the dark, begging sleep to take him so that his mind could rest for just awhile.

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