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This is me praying that

This was the very first page

Not where the story line ends

My thoughts will echo your name

Until I see you again

These are the words I held back

As I was leaving too soon

I was enchanted to meet you


Mitch felt himself waking up, but refused to open his eyes. He wiggled his toes and yawned. He discovered the reason that he woke up was thanks to Wyatt rubbing his face against Mitch's chin. He groaned, finally opening his eyes, and lightly picked up Wyatt, placing him on his stomach.

"Hi baby."

Wyatt stared at Mitch for a moment, looking as if Mitch had betrayed him by making him leave his favorite rubbing spot. But after another couple of seconds Wyatt rubbed his face against Mitch's chest instead. Mitch laughed and rubbed Wyatt's back.

"Wy, that tickles." Mitch sat up, grabbing Wyatt. "Alright, alright. I'm getting up. Let's get you some breakfast, little one."

Mitch grabbed his phone off of the night stand and walked into the kitchen with Wyatt held against his chest. He placed a small kiss on top of Wyatt's head to be greeted with Wyatt rubbing his head on Mitch's chin once again.

Mitch smiled and set Wyatt on the floor before filling up his food bowl and then grabbing some fruit out of the fridge for himself. He walked into his living room and looked at his couch. He scowled at it, remembering his dream from last night.

He sat down and stretched his legs out along the length of the couch. He stabbed some of his pineapple pieces with his fork as he slid his thumb across his phone, unlocking it. He went straight onto Twitter and scrolled through his feed and replied back to some people. Then he went and opened up Instagram finding that his picture with Scott had received a few more likes. Apparently his followers liked him getting with cute boys. As he finished his fruit he placed it on the coffee table and was met with Wyatt jumping up on the couch beside him.

"You wanna spend the day with daddy? Hmm?" Mitch picked up Wyatt and pulled him close to his chest. He grabbed the colorful blanket off the back of the couch and draped it around the two of them. "Well, aren't you the absolute cutest?"

Mitch opened his camera on his phone and pointed it towards Wyatt. Mitch snapped his fingers a couple times but to no avail would Wyatt look at the camera. Mitch huffed. "Wyatt, look here." Mitch found himself making a kissy sound with his mouth and pulled a face. "Since when are you camera shy?"

At that comment Wyatt looked at Mitch and he snapped the picture. "There's my handsome boy."

Mitch nuzzled back into the couch and signed out of his Instagram account to get onto Wyatt's. He checked his notifications and was surprised to see that Scott had followed Wyatt's account and had liked the picture Mitch had shown him last night.

Mitch uploaded the new picture of Wyatt that he had taken and added a short caption. He put his phone down, flipped on the TV and began to channel surf. He knew what he was looking for and when he found Spongebob he stopped trying to find anything else. Wyatt was breathing heavily on Mitch, already back asleep for the day. Mitch envied Wyatt's ability to fall asleep anywhere and at anytime.

Mitch found his Spongebob watching interrupted by his phone buzzing. He quickly grabbed for it and found himself being disappointed that it was from Kirstie. He paused for a moment, thinking to himself that he shouldn't really be disappointed.

It Was Enchanting To Meet You [scomiche|scömìche]Where stories live. Discover now