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A silver kit looked over her shoulder as she heard a pale gray queen yowl into the utter silence of the night, waking the entire nursery up. A dark brown tom entered the nursery. "Fernclaw, what happened?" He asked the pale gray queen.

"It's Maplekit, sh-she's dead!" Fernclaw shrieked.

"What!" The dark brown warrior hissed. "How did this happen?"

"I-I don't know!" Fernclaw meowed.

Just then a dark gray she-cat entered the den. "Dustclaw, let me see," she meowed.

"Oh, Cinderfur!" Fernclaw moaned. "I don't know what happened. I woke up and she was motionless."

"It's not your fault Fernclaw," Cinderfur meowed, stroking the queens flank with her tail. Cinderfur turned to Maplekit and put a hand on her stomach. "Apparently Maplekit wasn't pumping enough blood in her body."

Fernclaw sniffed, then nodded. "I'm gonna do everything I can to make sure these two survive." Dustclaw took Maplekit by the scruff and padded out of the nursery. Cinderfur stayed, still stroking the Fernclaw.

The silver kits father was sitting next to her mother. "Graypelt, what's wrong with Maplekit?" She asked.

"She's not with us anymore, Silverkit," Graypelt replied.

"You mean she's dead?" Silverkit wailed.

Just then a pale brown kit next to Silverkit woke up. "Honestly, Silverkit, can you please go back to sleep? No kit in this nursery will be able to go to sleep with your mewling. You can ask questions in the morning," he meowed. Silverkit curled up next to her mother until sleep overcame her.

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