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Let le dares....BEGIN!

Me: *stares at bagels in hand* I want bagles....•~•

Cake: *slaps bagels from my hand* No! Dare first! XD

Me: AW! Fine! *sobs in corner*

Drew: -_-....sometimes I swear....

Dawn: Aw come on guys! Let's just do the dare before kat falls asleep! *giggles and plays with Piplup and Pikachu*

Ash and Gold: *Look left. Look right. And start raiding the kitchen*

Yumi and Luna: *glare at each other*

Vincent: *hugging Alex* Mine...•-•....

Alex: ^///^...*blushes and hugs back*

Melanie: *reads dare*

Melanie: I dare Me and Silver to have a cupcake war with my friend chica! And toy Chica!

Drew: Who..?

Melanie: Shut up Drew and let Kat bring them!

Paul: *slaps my face* Kat!

Me: * floats away* I'm alone in this world~!

Cake: KAT! NO COME BACK! FUDGE! *throws hands in air*

Linda: I have author powers! *snaps fingers*

Jane: *facepalms* Damn it Kat!

Chica and TC: CUPCAKE WAR! *throws cup cakes*

Silver and Melanie: *throw more cupcakes* HAHA!!

Everyone eles except me: *throw cupcakes*

~1 hour later~

Everyone is on the ground covered in cupcakes.

Me: *floats back to house* covered....IN CUPCAKES!? *grabs chainsaw and goes around chasing people* Cake! Your free to go! Gold, Ash and Dawn u to! *chases other people*

Cake: yay! *sits on table eating popcorn*

Gold: *puts Cake on his lap and wiggles eyebrows*

Cake: NUU!! *struggles*

Melanie: ..shiz....*runs away*

Gary: EVERY MAN FOR HIM SELF! *grabs Misty and runs*

Ash and Dawn and Pikachu and Piplup: *chilling and watching the whole show*

(20 minutes later of chaos happening)

Me: DIE! *is about to slice Drew*

Jane: *grabs frying pan and knocks me out...again!*

Alex: *blinks* She went rage mode again! XD

Yumi: *chuckles*

Melanie: *smiles and looks at TC and Chica* U gotta go before kat wake up!

Both girls nod and walk away waving: Bye!

Everyone: Bye!

Paul: Well thats all for this stupid dare thing..

Red: *shakes head and walks away*

Yellow: *giggles* Anyways pls comment.

Luna: Like!

Cake: and be happy!

Alex: Ya'll jalapeño followers!

Me: *snores*

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