Chapter 5 - Waltz

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Kim Cheon Jae

After lunch, I followed the boy who bumped onto me this morning and I've been following him since two minutes ago and he still haven't stop walking .

Where is he going?

He suddenly stopped in front of the piano room before he entered it. I snaked through the hallway and stood at the door. A few seconds later, a music notes came from the piano. Oh, he is good.

My head starter to ache again. This is the third time and my head is killing me since this morning. I pinched my head slowly and groaned.

This music.. I've heard it somewhere before. What's with this boy? My memories started to come back when I'm with him. I sat on the floor. My head really ached right now.

"Hey." called someone.

I lifted my head to the voice and my eyes widened.

Shit. shit. Busted.

"What are you doing down here? And why your face is so pale?"asked him and looked around.

I shook my head. "N-no, its not what you think-" I tried to stand up, but I'm too weak and I fell on the floor. Next thing I remembered was, blackout.

Min Yoon Gi

I heard someone shouting outside and my fingers on the piano keys instantly stopped. Sighing, I stood and walked to the door before pulling it and saw-

Cheon Jae?!

"Yoongi-ah help me carr-" I cut him as I quickly carried her on my back and ran to the infirmary. Leaving JiMin behind, alone, speechless.

Why did she fainted?

Once I'm in the room, I laid her on the nearest bed and called for the nurse in charge.

"Who is she? What happened to her?" asked the teacher.

"She's Kim Cheon Jae. She--"
"She fainted in front of the piano room. I found her sitting on the floor." stated Jimin, cutting me off.

I walked and sat anxiously on the bench while the nurse started to examine her.

"She's going to be okay. Her blood pressure dropped, but she will be okay." said the nurse to us.

Jimin sighed. I glanced at her peaceful face. Why? I stood up and walked towards Jimin, patting his shoulder.

"Please look after her." I said, coldly and walked out of the room.


Kim Cheon Jae

I could hardly open my eyes for the second time, seeing white ceiling upon me. Quickly, I sat up. Where am I? I looked around and saw Soo Ah, she noticed me awake and rushed towards me.

"CJ, are you awake? Thank goodness, you're awake. I was so worried about you." She pulled me into her embrace.

I wrapped my hands and patted her back, assuring her that I'm okay.

"You fainted in front of the piano room, if you're wondering why you're here." said a boy behind Soo Ah, out of blue.

"CJ, this is Jimin. Park Jimin from class 5MS3. He's the head boy of the sick bay, he found you infront of the piano room and bought you here." said Soo Ah.

I nodded. "Oh, Hi. I'm Kim Cheon Jae. You can call me Cheon J-"

"CJ! Just call her CJ. Isn't she's adorable?" said Soo Ah cutting me off while pinching my cheeks.

He smiled sheepishly and nodded. Soo Ah laughed.

"Omo, CJ looks like you got a chance with him." She winked.

I rolled my eyes. No. Until I get my memories back, I'll never fall in love with someone.

"Just-, can I get to my class now?" I asked.

"Sure, but, are you sure you're okay?" asked Jimin while helping me getting down from the bed.

Soo Ah walked out of the infirmary leaving me with Jimin. She did it on purpose as she gave me a thumbs up before walked out of the room. Urgh.. jerk face.

"Yeah. I'm fine. Thanks for looking after me and also, carrying me here." I felt my cheeks blushed and walked towards the door slowly. Trying to get my balance.

"Oh, I wasn't the one who carried you here." said Jimin.

I turned back to him, with a puzzled expression. "So, who should I thank for?" Please don't say 'that boy'.

"Min Yoongi, from my class. Do you know him, because he seemed like he knows you and he's absent yesterday. That means you haven't met him, right?"

Urm.. I nodded. I better stay away from him before I went to the infirmary again.

"Okay. It's nice meeting you CJ. See you around." He bid me goodbye.

I waved back and walked towards Soo Ah who was standing and smirking at the corridor.

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