I miss him

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In this chapter i'm going to be talking about how life was before the accident

Kim Sae Ron POV
Day July 30,2015

I was sleeping 'cause it was a Saturday and i didn't wanted to wake up early. My dad also known as Kim Jong kook woke me up cause all his friends also known as my "uncles" are coming here because it was my birthday. (By the way my uncles are Super Junior, yes the super famous k-pop group) I like my birthday and all but some part of me don't like it because i feel like i cause my mom to die. If i wasn't born then she would have been a live.

Time was 5 P.M

I wanted to go see my mom first before my uncles came to visit me. We were there I was happy I get to see her today I brought her some royal blue flowers because they are her favorite so is mine. My dad always say how I always look and act like her. It makes me feel happy even tho I'm sad in the inside. After we left it started to rain. And my dad got a call from my uncle Siwon that they were in the house waiting. So we went back home while we were on our way to the house it started to rain even more. We could have barely see the road.

We were going to right way until a we saw a light in our way before i knew it we crash. It all happen in a flash i couldn't see anything.

Kim Jong Kook POV

We saw a flash of light i think it was a truck so i went to the side to make sure we didn't got injured but I was to late. We hit the truck but the worse thing was that my daughter got injured a lot. I saw that the car was dropping gas/oil and a fire was was about to start i was looking at my daughter i took her out and i was going to the truck to take the man out but right when i got to the truck i saw no one so i just had to go far and call for help. I was crying because my little girl was injured and i couldn't do anything. I call 911 and after i was in the ambulance i called Siwon to go to the hospital. I was injured too but i don't care i only care about my little girl. She was my world after her mother died i can't lose her too.Just thinking about it kills me.

We reach the hospital and they treated my wounds once they finish i went to Emergency room and waited for the doctor to tell me what was going on. I was so mad that i couldn't stop thinking because of that stupid phone call.Thant i receive before i woke up Sae Ron


I got a phone call from a unknown number so I answered
"Hello..." (me)

"How life without your stupid wife
don't worry your daughter is next. Tell her happy birthday before we finish her off." (him)

" Don't touch her she has nothing to do with all of this" (me)
"Don't worry I won't but you have to disappear from her life. Make her think you die and you will have to come work for me"

"no i wont do it . i would find you can kill you myself"

then i hang up the phone and went back to her

~end of flashback~

then after that i saw all of super junior members their i went to them they saw me and all of them stood up and they where about to ask me something but i stop them and i was said

"Im going to go somewhere for a bit and i need you to tell Kim Sae Ron that i died in the car crash" with a sad tone

they all look at me like i was crazy

"What? Why? Are you crazy?? you are going to leave her in her birthday!" Siwon said with angry tone

"Tell us what happen please" Kyuhyun said

I waited a few seconds and i was crying i went down to my knees and cry in the floor all of them looked shocked

"Someone is trying to kill Sae Ron and i'm going to find who it is because he was the cause on this accident i know this because i got a call and he said something so as long as I'm with Sae Ron he will try to harm her... please do me this favor I want to make sure my little girl is safe"

they all looked shocked but once they knew what i was saying they all knew this was the best choice so they went along with it. I told them my last goodbye and told them to take her to Seoul that she was aunt their her name is Uee . Then I left but before that i told them to tell Sae Ron that I love her with all my heart. And i left looking for the man.

Kim Sae Ron POV

I was at the hospital and i didn't knew why so i looked around the room and 12 young men coming in but then i look at the window and saw it was dark then i remember that i was in a crash but that it. When i was trying to remember something else my head hurts a lot so i put my hands in my head yelling for help. All of the people around me keep on saying if i was ok but before i knew it someone called me Kim Sae Ron and i was confuse. So I ask...

"Who is Kim Sae Ron? And who are you guys? Why am i in the hospital? why can't i remember anything?" the last part i said in tears before i knew it some of them ran out to call the doctor the rest stayed their and look at me shocked

but then....

Author note

Im going to finish this book first and i will also continue the other one but by bits i hope you like but i still don't know who should be the brother and who should be the sister so if you think of someone please tell me. I hope you like this chapter and i will work hard to update it but no promes cause i will be studying for something important .

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