Going to Seoul

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Kim Sae Ron POV

I just woke up and i didn't knew anything then 12 people that look like they are in their 20's  came into my room. They were saying a name which was "Kim Sae Ron" to me when i ask who that was they looked at each other and didn't knew what to say or respond so I ask the "Who is Kim Sae Ron? And who are you guys? Why am i in the hospital? why can't i remember anything?" the last part i said in tears before i knew it some of them ran out to call the doctor the rest stayed their and look at me

but then....

out of nowhere my head started to hurt so i touched my head and the only thing i felt was pain. When I looked around the room I saw 12 other people looking at me scared. I was also scared because I remembered the reason why I'm here stuck in a hospital bed (my face was like the one in the media) and I remembered who those 12 people were they were my oppas

"Oppas *crying* w-w-where is appa?"

they all look at each other and then Eunhyuk oppa came up and said the he had pass away. They were all crying.

Then i looked at them and said "stop playing around... that's not a funny joke?" all they did was look down so i asked them "WHERES MY APPA" at this point I didn't care about my health i only cared about my appa and why he's not by my side.

They couldn't look me in the eyes. A few minutes pass and i couldn't take the silence anymore so I yank out the cables/needles that were in my body and i ran out of the room i was in pain but i didn't care so i ran my oppas were following me and they were yelling my name. After i found my way to a quite garden all i did was go to my knees and cry

I keep on saying "Appa please tell me you are ok somewhere. Please don't leave me all alone in this world. Omma already left because of me ,please tell me what the oppas said was all a lie... please... APPA I LOVE YOU DON'T LEAVE ME ALONE I ONLY HAVE YOU LEFT I DON'T WANT TO BE LEFT BEHIND TAKE ME WITH YOU PLEASE APPA "

After that Donghae oppa came and hug so tightly that I cried my heart out. After I finish crying I fell asleep in his arms.

Donghae POV

While running after Saeron me and the rest of the members saw her go to a garden that's mostly empty and we all looked at her from a distance. After I saw that she was crying I went to her and hug her. I didn't care if she got my shirt wet all i care was her. She's someone important to me. She became the sunshine to my world when it became dark.

When I didn't felt her crying anymore I saw her sleeping and her eyes were red so I carried her and I went with the rest of the members.

Leeteuk: We have to do something for her we can't leave her by herself.

Siwon: What can we do we are about to make our comeback. So we have to go to Seoul by next week.

Eunhyuk: Why don't we take her with us to Seoul I think her aunt lives their too. We can ask her to look after her.

The rest of the members agree I did to but I have a feeling something bad is going to happen but I can't say anything this is the only solution.

Saeron POV
After waking up from the hospital and Leeteuk oppa told me that I was going with them to Seoul that i am going to live over their and i was going to live my aunt Uee which was from my mom side. I don't really know much about my aunt because my appa really didn't talk about my omma and her family much.

~1 week pass~

I was in the airport with my oppas we were in first class. Well going in the plane i was sitting with someone who was already asleep and he  kinda had a familiar face too.

We came out after 13 hours of sitting down and we saw a lot of flashes their was a lot of fans that was looking at my oppas some and then the guy that i was sitting next to came out with some other people around my age and they all look like idols...

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We came out after 13 hours of sitting down and we saw a lot of flashes their was a lot of fans that was looking at my oppas some and then the guy that i was sitting next to came out with some other people around my age and they all look like idols i still don't know if they are or not but oh well; some of oppa fans saw me and they were talking about me and i think my oppas heard her say "What the fuck is she doing with my oppas? Go die why are you with them anyways? " they all stop walking because of what she said, i was about to cry and run out but Donghae oppa grab my hand before I ran the other oppas where mad so they all stop walking and Leeteuk oppa told the reporters and fans " She is are niece and the only people that she has is us so i hope that no one is disappointed by this" like that we left and everyone was speechless by this and it made a lot happier.
When I heard Leeteuk oppa said that I went to him and gave him a hug because I felt that they are going to protect me from everyone. When I stop hugging Leeteuk oppa I look up and saw the guy sitting next to me with his friends starting at us.
Authors POV
After that Super Junior and Saeron left the airport and was headed to Uee house. Once they got their they saw that she was waiting outside and saw two women and two kids. The two women turn out to be her sisters which was Nana and Lizzy

When Super Junior got down of the van with Saeron; Uee and her sisters were happy that my oppas was their

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When Super Junior got down of the van with Saeron; Uee and her sisters were happy that my oppas was their. Uee had two kids one girl with the name Kim So Hyun and  one boy with the name Lee Hyun Woo and they are both the age 18 the same age as Saeron but she was a bit was a bit older even though she look younger . Before the members left they all gave something to Saeron because it was her birthday when the tragedy happen. They gave her some nice clothes, shoes, a phone, and Siwon oppa gave her something so beautiful it was a necklace with a heart it had a picture of her and her appa in one side the other side it was a picture of her omma and appa and with her omma being 6 months pregnant.

 They gave her some nice clothes, shoes, a phone, and Siwon oppa gave her something so beautiful it was a necklace with a heart it had a picture of her and her appa in one side the other side it was a picture of her omma and appa and with her omma...

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After that last happy moment

my nightmare started once my oppas left the house.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2017 ⏰

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