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They say I'm this
They think I'm that
But have they ever ever thought
what I am really?
Did they ever ask me
who I am really?
They judge me,my actions
and not think of my reasons.
Reasons ,my friend,
not excuses.

I am not perfect
I know it well,you bet
And mistakes I do make
Spare that crap for your sake
Coz I know well it's not just me
What you think your errs I don't see?
Still you judge me and give me names
My sanity and character it aims
What do you know
about my reasons for my actions?
Reasons, my friend,
not excuses.

I have gone nuts
Or have got crazy guts
Or call it one of
my eerie ruts
Well, what can you say
What can you opine
When there lies my
reasons that you quine
Reasons, my friend,
not excuses.

Don't judge a book by its cover they say
And you my friend judges by colour of the day
Don't judge people I here say
For you got no idea abt wat life theirs lay.

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