Please Stay Awake

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Rob's POV

I couldn't help but worry when Jay didn't answer his phone. Michael hadn't replied either. We all read through the comments and I wanted to hug him. He didn't need to put up with that. He wasn't use to it. The poor guy was probably balling his eyes out. Jay said to trust him. I do. But. There is always that thought at the back of my head. What if he is just trying to get him alone. What if he will make him feel worse.

"Rob. Jay is with him. And I know my best friend. He wouldn't hurt a fly. Chill ok?"

"Lachlan please. You read what those people said. And you know he hasn't done anything like that. He was really happy then."

Looking at where I paused the video on the screen. He had one hand over towards the camera holding it up. While his other hand was covering part of his face with a fist and an oversized jumper. He genuinely looked happy.

"Come on Rob It's late. Let's go to bed."

Preston pulls me up and takes me by the hand. Lachlan, Preston and I were the only ones awake. Merome had gone to sleep an hour ago. And Vikk not long left to go to bed as well. Leaving the three of us alone. Preston took me into the hallway and stopped. He was out the front of Jay's and Michael's room. He didn't move but he had a massive smile on his face.

"Preston what are you smiling at?"

"Promise you won't get upset or angry."

"Ok I promise."

"And promise you wont barge in."

"Ok Preston I promise baby. What's going on?"

He moved out of the way and I looked in and saw them. Jay had pushed the beds next to each other. In the middle. I could see Jay had his arm wrapped over Michael who had his head and hands resting on Jay's chest. They were sound asleep. I took a step back and closed the door. Too many questions went through my mind. And I couldn't find a single one that was good. I swear to god I will kill him. Preston saw my face and took me to our room.

"Rob I said don't get angry and you promised."

"What am I the only one who sees something wrong here?"

"Yes Rob you are. I know your trying to keep him safe. But after reading the comments on that video. I'd probably want someone with me as well."

"You can't seriously expect me to just be ok with that. Preston what if he is using Michael? What if he will hurt him?"

"He won't."

"And how do you know that for sure?"

"I don't Robert. But I know that Lachlan trusts him with his life. And he has done nothing but be kind and help us. He didn't get angry at having to share a room. He helped Lachlan put him into his bed. And When he pulled him onto him earlier tonight. I knew he meant well. So trust me ok?"

I dropped the conversation and got ready for bed. There was no way I would let him hurt Micky.

Time skip till morning

I woke up to an empty bed. Rubbing my eyes I wanted Preston. I got up and put a shirt on. Walking downstairs to see Jay and Michael playing Halo while Preston watched.

"Good morning sleepy head."

Preston ran up and hugged me. Kissing me for what seemed like a while. I looked up to see Jay and Michael smiling. I had to admit. I'm glad to see him happy. But I couldn't get the idea of his arms around him last night.

"Hey guys how did you sleep?"

"Morning Robbie. Really well actually. No nightmares last night."

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