You use to love...

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Jerome's POV

I'm literally going to fucking kill this bastard. Messing with my friend is one thing. But bugging the house. Who the hell does that? Like how can you be so stupidly obsessed with one person. That when you lose them. You decide to track them down and bug the whole house.

"Why would someone be that desperate to do anything?"

"Jay the question here is. This happens in movies. How the fuck do people get hold of this shit?"

"My thoughts exactly Lachlan. Michael can you put your phone on the table in front of you? Whenever a message comes up. Read it first. If its personal. Keep it to yourself. If not. Announce it."


He did as he was told and put his phone in front of him. I put mine down next to his and Lachlan and Jay followed suit.

"Alright. Lachlan can you help me search this place. Keep your eyes peeled on anything that looks out of the ordinary. You two can either help. Or stay there. No in between."

"Are you ok Jerome?"

"No I'm not ok. This fucker is out there and now because we are keeping you safe he will probably target the rest of us."


"Don't be sorry Michael I won't let anything happen to you. Lachlan check the bath room and bed rooms."

Time Skip 1 hour

We had combed through 5 of the rooms so far before we heard the boys turn up the drive way. Michael ran outside with Jay behind him while Lachlan and I piled all the pieces we found into the Lounge room on the table. After all the groceries were brought in and packed away. I got everyone to sit around the table.

"We've been bugged."


"What do you mean bugged?"

"I mean look at these. Tiny little mic's and cameras. Lachlan and I have combed through 5 rooms."

"Who would bug the house though. How would someone have the time to do that?"

"Who do you think Vikk?"

I tried to sound nonchalant but instead ended up staring him down. Lachlan walked over and hugged him.

"He didn't do anything wrong don't look at him like that."

"I'm sorry Vikk. I'm just really annoyed right now."

I slammed my fist down on the table and broke most of the equipment in front of me.

"I have no idea how many of these there are. And as far as I'm concerned we aren't going to be safe here. None of us are."

"So then what do we do?"

I walked over to Mitch. He started to look really sad. I pulled him into my arms and kissed his forehead.

"I don't know. We need to talk to the police I guess. If someone bugged the house."

"They would have to be able to do something right?"

I heard a buzz as Michael's phone went off.

I wouldn't call the police if I were you. Or if you knew what was good for you.

That guy was really starting to get on my nerves.

"We can't stay here."

"That's obvious Jerome but where the hell would we go?"

I looked around and grabbed a pen and paper. I might not be the smartest out of everyone here. But I had some good ideas.

Jer- Use pen and paper so he can't hear us talk. Gives us a slight advantage.

"It's All In The Past." (GRA) *In Edit*Where stories live. Discover now