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Chapter 1

So my name is Destiny and this is my story. Its the story about what destiny had in store for me.

Its my second week in Pine Valley High and I'm doing good so far. Pine Valley is a small town. I had to move here because my dad had to work. I didn't mind moving, Its not like there was anything left for me back in my old town.

I had just broken up with my boyfriend of two years a week before moving because he had college to go to and he didn't think we would be able to work through the distance. He thought it was better this way. I did too. We were going through a rough patch the last couple of weeks we were together. He kept getting jealous and rude and sometimes he would drink too much and try to hurt people. He never hurt me though but I promised myself I would leave before he tried to hurt me. So when he suggested the break up I was sure it was the right thing to do. It still hurt though. Whenever I thought back on our relationship - the good times - I always felt that little voice nagging me at the back of my mind, telling me that I didn't try enough to make our relationship work. But in the end I think the break up was the best way to go. I knew that for some time or always, I would have that tiny voice inside me telling me that maybe if I had just tried more we would still be together and we would have that happy ever after but then I know that that voice inside me is wrong. Even though Blake and I had a mostly good relationship and our love was true it just wasn't enough. We weren't good for each other. He'll always be my first love and I'm glad we broke things off before the memory of our relationship became one we didn't want to remember. I can always look back on our relationship and smile because that was our time and it was good but it didn't last forever and that's okay because now I can go see what destiny has in store for me.

I went to school with my new best friend Maddison. Maddison is the prettiest girl. She has blond hair and blue eyes and big boobs. She is everything I'm not. I have brown hair and brown eyes and normal sized boobs. Maddison's a party girl and I like to stay at home and sleep. I really like sleep. Sleep and food. Sleep and food and One Direction.

Anyway, since Maddison doesn't have a car she gets her boyfriend to drive us to school. He doesn't mind though, he loves her too much.

School's been going okay except we haven't had World History yet. Right after school started after the summer the World History teacher had been absent and the classroom was getting remodelled. Today was our first World History class. World History was a new subject for me, I'd never really thought of taking it before but when I came here I thought new school, new subjects.

"Are you even listening to me?" Maddison asked me breaking me from my chain of thought.

"Umm yeah." I wasn't.

"So will you go with me?"

"Go where?"

"I knew you weren't listening. I was talking about you coming with me for Josh's party"

"I'll come but I have nothing to wear."

"Yeah that's fine. Come over and then from there we can go to the party."

"Okay." I said

"Okay" she said and then we parted ways. She made her way to English Lit and I made my way to my first ever World History class.

Now I wouldn't describe myself as an incredibly intelligent student. I was average. Maybe a little above average. But that's all I had to work hard to get good grades and more often than not I did.

As I walked into World History I saw that the class was more or less empty so I took a seat and sat down in the third row and waited for the seats to fill in. While the other students entered the class, I spoke to the girl sitting next to me. Her name was Andrea and she had the prettiest eyes. We weren't really close - i had only spoken to her a couple of times but I liked her already. Andrea was fun and I liked fun.

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