Chapter 2

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After World History I had English Lit.

While Mr. Peters went on about Shakespeare, all I could think about was how hot Jake was. I wondered why I had never seen him around school before. I was sure that I wouldn't forget a Greek God like him. I had to ask Maddi about him later. I didn't even know his full name. I hoped on finding out soon though.

English Lit. felt like it went on forever. Ever few minutes I would find myself looking at the clock. Five minutes to lunch I felt my hands get all clammy. You know that horrible feeling you get when you're standing at the start line of the race but the whistle hasn't been blown yet? That feeling you get in your tummy when you think of everything that could go wrong in the race? That's the feeling I was getting now and I hated it. I hated that someone could make me feel that way. I hated that I didn't even know that someone's full name.

Before I knew it the bell signalling the beginning of lunch filled my ears I made my way to my locker before going to the cafeteria. While walking to the cafeteria I saw Maddison make her way towards me. She ran up to me and brought her mouth to my ear.

"I know about you and your World History boy." She whispered.

"There's nothing to know," I said. I wasn't lying, there really wasn't anything to know. Yet.

"Oh don't lie! I heard he's incredibly hot and you couldn't say two straight words to him. I also heard he's your partner for the year and you're meeting him in lunch today." She said. How did she know? And as if she read my mind she said, "Andrea told me everything. Even the part where you were shamelessly checking him out." Of course Andrea told her everything.

"That doesn't mean anything! We had to be partners and we're only meeting in lunch because he had to leave class early to talk to his coach. I don't know anything about him. He could have a girlfriend for all I know!" And only when I said it out loud did it really strike me that I didn't know anything about him and that he really could have a girlfriend. I really hope he didn't though.

We reached the cafeteria and I didn't see Jake anywhere so I just sat with Maddison.

"I'm so jealous of you. You eat like a pig and you're the size of a twig." Tori told me. She wasn't fat or anything but I guess everyone thought of themselves to be 7 times the size they really were.

"High metabolic rates are my my favourite thing," I laughed. They really were my favourite. I could eat anything I wanted to and I still wouldn't gain any weight. And honestly, even if I did I don't think I cared enough to do anything about it. I loved food too much.

"You're laughing now but you won't be when you're thirty and fat; high metabolic rates don't last forever, you know?" She told me with this weird look in her eye. I just nodded and went back to eating.

"Where is he?" Maddison asked. The question wasn't directed to anyone in particular but then she turned to look at me. I didn't know what she was talking about. Daniel, her boyfriend, was sitting right next to her and he looked equally confused. I didn't know of any other 'he' she would be looking for and clearly, neither did Daniel.

"Who he?" Daniel asked looking a tiny bit jealous. I thought it was cute that he got jealous whenever Maddi spoke about another guy. She didn't even notice.

Maddison looked at Daniel and then back at me. "World History boy," she said while moving her eyebrows suggestively. That's when I realised who hadn't come.

Jake. He hadn't come. I looked at the cafeteria clock. Lunch was almost over. I was probably going to have to write the assignment about World History on my own now. But that wasn't even the thing I was sad about. Jake obviously didn't want to be my partner. I'd go and ask Mr. Harper to change my partner tomorrow.

Lunch was almost over and I had math next period. Math was my one weak subject. Ms. Kingsley told me that if I went before class and stayed back after she would help me with my difficulties; and I needed all the help I could get. I got up from our lunch table and walked over to the lunch lady to get one last cookie before I left. On my way out I wasn't looking up and didn't notice when I walked into hard muscle. I looked up to see who I had to apologise to and I definitely didn't expect to see Jake looking down at me. I didn't have anything to say to him. I murmured a 'sorry' for bumping into him and then walked away.

"Destiny," he shouted. He ran up to me and stood in front of me; blocking my way.

"Listen, I get that you don't want to be my partner and everything and that's why you showed up late for lunch but its fine you don't need to do all of this. I'll ask Mr. Harper to change our partners tomorrow. You don't need lie and go for lunch just before the period ends to hide from me. You could've just told me, you know." I said. He gave me an amused look. I didn't think he understood what I said. "Did I talk too fast?" I asked.

"Umm, no. You just said a load of rubbish. I didn't come to lunch on time because coach said I could try out for track in fifth period. I was going to send a message for you but I don't know many people her. I just moved to pine valley a week ago. It's my first week in school so I just figured I'd come meet you when I finished. I don't want a different partner." He said. I felt a smile come to my face when he said but I didn't want him to know it so I removed it as fast as I could. I looked down and my eyes fell on his watch.

"Fuckfuckfuck," I said quickly grabbing his hand and looking at the time on his watch. It was a minute to next period and math was in the next building. I already missed my extra time with Ms. Kingsley and now I was going to miss the actual class. "I'm really late for math, and since we're still partners, can we talk about the assignment later?" I asked with a hopeful smile.

"Sure. Meet me at the gate after school today." He said. I nodded and then ran to math. I had to drop the cookie before I could run to class. He owed me a cookie.

At the end of school I told Maddison to go home without me. I made my way to the gate hoping to see jake standing there so I wouldn't have to walk home because he stood me up again. I got to the gat but he wasn't waiting for me. I rethought my decision of letting Maddison leave without me but before I could act on anything jake made his way to me.

"Hey," I said.

"Hey," he said.

"So now?" I asked a little unsure of what to do next.

"Now, we walk to Sue's and talk about our assignment on the way."

Author's Note -

This chapter isn't that good but I hope you liked it. The chapters will get longer and better. The next chapter will be fun.

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- A

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