Chapter 40 "Something unexpected"

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Yeeeees! Finally the day is here! Although we spend the whole morning sleeping due to jet lag…

We went to the hairdresser of the hotel, we did our nails, our make up and now we were ready to go to the theatre where the awards were going to take place.

I phoned my family because this was a big moment for me and I missed them so much.

“Hey darling, how are you?”

“Hey mom!” I said getting a bit emotional after hearing her voice

“Are you ready now? We’ve voted for you everyday and every night. I’m sure you’re gonna win, but if you don’t we’ll love you equally”

“Haha, thanks mom, good to know! So, how is everybody? And my little sister how is she?”

“Everybody is fine, they missed you though. And I’m next to her, do you want to talk to her?”

“Yeah, sure”

“Hi [Y/N]!!!”

“Hi sweetie! How are you? How’s school!? You don’t remember me anymore!”

“Yes I do! I miss my big sister everyday! I miss when you played with me” suddenly I heard a sob

“Oh god, are you crying? Don’t cry, you’re gonna make my cry too and I just had my make up done” I said giggling and crying at the same time.

It was time for me to go to the theatre.

“Darling, I have to go now but I’ll talk to you later ok? I’ll skype you. Take care of mom and dad and behave yourself ok? I love you so much!!”

“Ok, I’ll be watching you on TV, good luck. Love youuuu!”

I kept my phone in my purse and soon we got there.

That was amazing! Flashes and paparazzis everywhere… Fans screaming your name at the top of your lungs… Interviewers asking always the same questions… That was one of the most incredible experiences of our lives! I’m not used to fame yet, it’s really weird, but the feeling was so great when someone shouted your name because she wanted an autograph or a picture with you…

Now it was turn for the interviewers to ask.

“Hi girls, are you excited? This is your first time you’re nominated for an award, right?”

“Yes, this is the first time and to be honest we didn’t expected this success when we accepted the role” I said

“Yeah, this is pretty crazy, we’re not used to yet. We’re the same silly girls of high school. Exactly the same ones” added Theresa

“And who do you want to see tonight?”

“Well, I love one direction and I know they’re going to perform tonight, so yeah… I’m pretty excited” I said

“You’re friends with them, am I right?”

“Yes, you’re right. We met them in his first video and well, we’ve been friends since then” replied Theresa

“And who do you think is gonna win tonight? You’re nominated for 4 categories!”

“Well, we really don’t know, I guess it’ll win the best, don’t you think?” said Theresa.

“Yeah, and [Y/N], you had something with David a few months ago, what happened?”

“Sorry, I don’t wanna talk about it”

“Is that true he tried to raped you?”

“I’m not going to say anything sorry, It’s all in the past now and I would like to move on”

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