Chapter 51 "Christmas day"

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25th December 2013

I woke up in the cold winter. It was very windy outside. Niall wasn’t there. Where was he? I covered myself with the blanket and went outside. The hair of my skin stood on end due to the cold wind. My lips hurt and were dry. Where was Niall? I asked again to myself. It was dark and I was afraid. I heard some noises from the trees or even foot steps coming to me, which caused me to run and run. My feet lead me and they stopped to an image I don’t want to remember at all. Niall was with a girl. He was kissing her, holding her like he used to hold me. His arms were around her waist to pull her closer to him and he was kissing her furiously with so much passion. My eyes watered. I screamed and started running away. Niall chased me screaming my name but I run and run faster and faster. All I could hear was my name. 


I opened my eyes and I noticed I was crying. There was light outside and Niall was there in front of me wiping away my tears.

"What’s wrong?" he asked me

"I… I…"

"It’s ok, come here" he said hugging me and burying my face in his chest. He stroked my hair trying to calm me down. I was shivering and I couldn’t say anything. I cried harder as he placed small kisses in my head.

"It’s ok, [Y/N], I’m here, shh…"

After a few more minutes I was ok, more or less. I moved away from him and looked at the window.

"Are you ok babe?"

"Yeah, it’s just… I had a nightmare"

"A terrible one, must be"

"I dreamt I lose you. You left me and went with Chloe"

"What? Babe, no, I love you" he whispered rubbing my cheeks. “Come on, you know what day is it today right? We have to open the presents!! Let’s go" he said wrapping me with the blanket and carrying me bridal style.

"Niall, cover yourself too! You’re going to get a really bad cold!"

"I’m used to, don’t worry" 

Soon we were back in the house and everyone looked at us when we entered. 

"finally! Where were the two of you? We’ve been looking for you for hours!" said Liam

"We were in the shed" I said

"Hey, you didn’t wait for us!"

"No, we were impatient. Sorry not sorry, really!" said Louis looking at his new watch.

I sat next to Harry and Theresa looked at me.

"I want to be first!" she shouted grabbing her presents and handing them to me and Niall. We opened it so quickly like little kids.

"Wow, this is so awesome Theresa! Thank you"

"Yes, thank you love! I really like it" It was a beautiful blouse, right like I like them" 

"Ok, now my turn!" I said

"I love you so much babe. I love them all!" he said. It was a pick of a guitar in a necklace with his name, a pair of supras and a snapback with his name as well"

Niall’s presents for me was a pair of high heels that I really loved, a lovely dress and a bracelet. 

We were all super tired and still passed out, so we stayed there talking and telling jokes. For the first time I was feeling good with everyone, Chloe seemed nicer now and Theresa was super friendly with me, like the old times. Maybe what I thought last night was just bullshit.

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