Chapter 74 "The End"

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I went to the bar and ordered a drink. I was drinking it so peacefully and looking at [Y/N]’s movements when someone next to me started to talk.

“Hey, it’s a shame your girlfriend survived” what the fuck? I looked at the voice and there he was.

“What the fuck are you doing here?”

I kept looking at him waiting for an answer. My hand held the glass of the drink harder showing all my veins and feeling all the hate in me. 

"Oh, I was just having fun… actually, I’ve been having fun all this past months" I crunched my eyes and bend my head to my left side. 

"What do you mean?" I looked at him defiantly but he laughed. He was playing with fire…

"You’re too kid to know little Niall, maybe when you’re big enough to fight with someone like me. I don’t know why she picked you instead of me. It’s clear I’m better" My hands were burning and I swear if I could kill with my eyes, he would be burnt already.

Suddenly he started to move, but this couldn’t stay like this. What did he mean by that earlier?

"David, wait! You bastard!" he kept laughing and walking but I chased him. I made sure [Y/N] didn’t see me, because I didn’t want to worry her. This crazy “man" was saying some crazy things that I didn’t like at all about her.

I followed him outside, where there was a blend alley and he stopped.

"Please, just stop following me"

"I’m not going to stop till you tell me what was that earlier" And again, another laugh.

"Oh little Niall…"

"Don’t call me that"

"It’s a shame she didn’t die in that accident, she left a really bad dent on my car"

"What?" I opened my eyes still not understanding what he was saying. I thought and thought and suddenly everything clicked. 

"You did?"

"I did everything. From the twitter thing, to the accident. I hired Chloe for that. She’s a nice girl"

"Hi love" I turned around and there she was. She went towards him and kissed his lips. I made a face of disgust and kept thinking on what was really going on. My eyes were burning, all my blood was burning and all I knew was that I wanted to punch him. 

"You’re a loser"

"You can call me whatever you want but don’t dare touch her again" I said.

"I won’t stop till she dies" In that moment my fist went directly to his face pushing Chloe at the same time. I felt then two strong arms on top of me making me fall to the ground. I tried to fight back but he was right, he was stronger than me, but I didn’t mind. He deserved this and lots of more things. I thought again in what he had done to [Y/N] and I kicked, punched and slapped him with all my strength. I didn’t know if that was enough but I just did. I didn’t care at all. His fists were in my face too but I was ok. I punched him right in his eye making him loose a bit control too. In that moment I could stand up but he was strong and stood at the same time. He pushed me against the wall and started kicking my stomach and then my head. It was painful but it was worth it. Suddenly I felt him away from me and when I opened my eyes I saw Louis and Zayn grabbing him. 

"Niall, come here!" Harry was there waiting for me and I did what he told me. I run towards him.

"Where’s [Y/N]?" I asked him. We were both running through the car we rented.

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