my feet are so cold i'm sure they're going to fall off omg

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Easter holidays were upon us, and as Ginny decided to return to the burrow, I opted to stay behind with Neville. The flow of injuries were only increasing, and besides, someone had to stay behind to make sure Hogwarts didn't descend into shit. 

That comment is meant to be funny because Hogwarts has already descended into shit. 

I’m being funny. Understand the funny. Become the funny.


I wonder what my mind would be like if I did the brain equivalent of key-smashing and autocorrecting...

"Jerk aid sorbet spend sound dodge pushed dirt worthless worst gift sword hate worry sorry slang dork"

That's what my brain would sound like. 


It was a rather quiet night in the Room of Requirement, until a group of Slytherins burst through the door. As we looked at them, we realised none of us actually knew who they were, so we stood up, wands at the ready.

“What are you doing here?” Neville asked them, staring them down defiantly.

“We need to escape. We need to get out of the school.” A tall guy said. He had dark brown hair and his eyes were so fucking blue. Like the bluest blue to ever blue. I observed the rest of their group. There was another, younger boy and two girls. They all had a strong resemblance.

“Are you guys family?” I asked, staring at the four blue blue blue blue eyed people.

The tall one nodded, “I’m Christopher. This is David, Kate and Alison.”

“Why do you need our help anyway?” Neville asked, scrutinising them.

“Oh, shut up.” One of the girls said, stepping out of behind her brothers and staring Neville dead in the face. She was almost two feet shorter than him, but she meant business. “Get off your prestigious Gryffindor high-horse. Yes, we do happen to be from Slytherin. Yes, you-know-who was also a Slytherin. Just because most of the dark wizards in the world are from our house, doesn’t mean you should categorise us under one heading. Don’t judge a spellbook by its binding. We came to you we need help. We can’t physically get through that door without being all righteous. We are on the same side.”

The entire room was silent. The girl didn’t blink. She stared directly at Neville, who couldn’t look at her.

“How old are you?” I asked her. Like shit I was so impressed with that speech oh my god.

“Thirteen. What’s it to you?” she looked me up and down like I was the next target.

“No. No. I’m not being insulting. That was just the best speech I’ve heard since...Dumbledore, I reckon.” I blinked awkwardly. (can you even blink awkwardly what the fuck)

“Before we help you,” Neville said, as though verifying. “How’d you know about this place?”

The other sister laughed.

“Dude, I’m a first year right, and everyone knows about here. Like, everyone. That’s not even a hyperbole. It’s almost literal.”

“Alison’s right.” David, the other brother, said. “There’s been talk in the common room about how they’ve attempted to infiltrate this place. But everyone has failed.”

“There isn’t that much talk. It mostly comes from the Inquisitorial Squad – you know, the elite sixth and seventh years who strut around cursing people.” Kate shrugged.

“They’re not lying, I’ve heard Crabbe and Goyle talking about how they tried to break into this place. Apparently, they literally walked in the door after someone else, but all they found was a broom cupboard.” Christopher smiled. “Goyle is convinced that you’re miniaturising yourselves and living in a broom cupboard.”

“So, with this whole escape plan, where do you need to go?” Neville asked.

“Just out of the school. Anywhere, really. Do you know a way to Hogsmeade?”

“The passageways were sealed up.”

“What about the Shrieking shack?” I asked.

“How do you get there?” Neville looked puzzled.

“Oh, there’s a gap under the Whomping Willow, and there’s a passage that takes you straight inside.”

“Wow, that would be brilliant. If we aren’t massacred by a giant violent tree.” Kate looked at me.

“The Whomping Willow and I have a secret tree code. We communicate in ways you couldn’t even imagine.” I said dramatically. The room was silent. “Get it? Because I’m Willow. And it’s a Willow?” more silence. “Nothing? Wow.” The room was looking at me. “Okay there’s a knot under the tree that you can hit.”

“That’s all fine and well, but none of us can legally apparate.” David said. “Is there a fireplace there? Floo Powder?”

“I don’t know.”

“We need to get to someone’s house in Hogsmeade.” Kate informed us.

“We could make a Portkey!” Alison exclaimed.

“That’s brilliant.” Neville and I said in unison, beaming at her. “How?”

“I don’t know.” She admitted.


The room was silent as we were thinking, and suddenly, a new doorway popped up.

Neville and I looked at each other.

“Right.” He said. “You four, with Willow and me. Omega team, you hold up the fort.”

We opened up the door and saw a dark corridor.

Goodbye cruel world.

 boom bitches.

i'll probs not be uploading for ages because i'm going back to school, i've got 3 assignments and bad exams.


you might feel as though this is a cliffhanger, but it really isn't. 




this book is nearly done omg.


bye babees

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