Chapter 5: Blooming Alone

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Bernice | The next morning

I woke up with the worst headache in the world and it didn't help that I hadn't put my blinds on my windows yet. The sun was bright and blinding. I looked to my left to see the bed messed up as if someone had been there. I looked to my right on the floor to see a trashcan with vomit, gross. How many drinks did I have last night? I got up and saw men's clothes on the floor. I could hear music blasting. I looked over the rail to see David cooking and dancing in my kitchen. I was glad it was just him and not somebody else. I went downstairs and he was fixing breakfast. "Good afternoon, drunky!"

He laughed. "Funny..but could you quit yelling and turn this music down?" He chuckled turning the music off coming from my Bose system.

"The joys of a hangover. Here." He handed me a plate with a omelet. He gave me an aspirin and a glass with something thick in it.

"What's this?" I said smelling it. I frowned my face up.

"Smoothie. I'm not telling you what's in it, but it helps with hangovers. Eat and drink up, babygirl." He smiled at me. I sent a small smile back and began eating.

"Um, David, please tell me I didn't do anything embarrassing last night."

"Hmph, did you?!" I looked up. "I'm just kidding. If you having fun last night was embarrassing who cares."

"I guess" I said continuing to eat.

"Well, you did one thing..When's the last time you got some, B?"

I was thrown off by his question, "What? Why?"

"Just answer. We're both grown."

"A couple of months. A year, I don't know." I lost track a long time ago since a real man touched me. It was just me and my rabbit and I was fine with that. "Why?"

"You just get really frisky when your drunk. I'd get that handled." He said laughing. "Oh and my boy, Trey, is feeling you."

"I'm not interested" I said quickly as I pushed my food around my plate.

"Why?" Because I want you, dummy! I couldn't dare say that aloud though. "Are you gonna eat my food or just play with it?"

"Don't have much of an appetite right now."

"I worked hard on that, I'm offended. Hand it here, child. I'll eat it then!" He took it and ate it. His phone started ringing. He answered saying, "Hey, ma!....Alright I'll go to the store and get it then I'll be over later for dinner...Can I bring somebody?" He asked looking over at me. "Ok, I'll be there at 5." He hung up.

"Was that momma?" He nodded his head yes. "I miss her."

"Good to know that because you're coming to family dinner tonight." He looked down at his watch. "It's already 2 seeing as you slept the day away, so go get dressed. We gotta stop at my place, so I can change then go to the store to get some stuff for ma."

I nodded then got up, "Wash the dishes, please!"

"I cooked and I gotta wash dishes? How does that work?" I laughed going upstairs. I took a shower then got dressed. It was just dinner so I put my hair in a ponytail, minimal makeup, a t-shirt, jeans, & Chanel sneakers. I grabbed my Chanel bag and went downstairs. Dave and I left soon after going to his place. While he took a shower I watched tv. Soon he came out of his room with just a towel around his waist. His body was nice. I tried not to stare, but I couldn't help it. "Have you seen my lotion?"

"I don't know how that could happen if it's only my 2nd time being here."

"Look here, miss attitude!" I laughed picking my phone up to reply to a text. I'm guessing he found it because he sat on the couch rubbing his body down.

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