Chapter 24: Those Bad Days

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It was 9am and I was at work in my office. When I walked in everyone was whispering looking at me, but I'm used to that. It was probably nothing so I shrugged it off. I was currently contacting potential investors to invest money into this Louboutin campaign.

I was about to make a phone call when someone knocked on my door. "Come in!" Mr. Wilson's secretary came in. "Hello, Tiffany. Does Mr. Wilson need me?"

"Yes, follow me to his office." I got up following her to his office. She let me in and I sat across from him.

"Hello, Mr. Wilson."

"Hello, Burgos. How's the Louboutin campaign coming?"

"It's coming along."

"Good, but I'm afraid I have some bad news." My smile immediately faded into a frown. "Just know this is not me saying this, this is the heads of the company. I don't care about your personal life or any of the other employees for that matter as long as you do your job well. They don't believe that, so I'm saddened to inform you they want to let you go after this weeks events. Apparently you got into a physical altercation in public and had a public fiasco with your ex. They said they can't have someone representing the company like that. They said they already took a chance hiring you because of your past as an exotic dancer, but this is too much. I warned you, Bernice. I'm sorry, but you're fired."

"B-but what about the Louboutin campaign? I worked damn hard on that and they're just going to fire me now!"

"They'll hand it off to someone else to finish."

"They did this on purpose! This happened days ago and they're just now firing me. They wanted my ideas, so they could take them and use them then just fire me! Mr. Wilson, they can't do this. You can't let them."

"It's out of my hands, Bernice." He slid me a card. "I did some research. There's a position at Def Jam Records. You belong in entertainment business, your lifestyle is more fitting." Lifestyle? I was on the verge of tears. "I talked to an exec and he needs a new marketer. Call Def Jam." I thought about what Dave told me pertaining to him signing with Def Jam. I completely forgot Dave was looking for a marketer and promoter after I got the Louboutin campaign. I never called Def Jam like I said I would.

I nodded my head. "I'm sorry, I really am. You're a damn hard worker! Look at all you've accomplished in one year, Burgos. Keep your head up. Clean out your office. I wish you the best." I said thank you leaving his office going back to mine. I packed all my stuff up then left. The first thing I did was text Dave when I got in my car.

Me: Is that position on your team for your marketing and promotions still open?

Davey: I'm assuming. Def Jam hasn't contacted me about if they're done with my team yet.

Me: I might need that spot

Davey: Okay. I'll call the office. Why all of a sudden?

I didn't reply not wanting to explain. Instead of going straight home I went to a poetry spot and ordered drinks. I planned to drink my sorrow away. First my boyfriend cheats on me and now I have no job. What else could happen?

If I knew I was going to get fired I would've used more tact breaking up with Trey. I would've got as much money out of him as I could then broke up with him.

After drinking and listening to poetry into depression I finally went back to my condo. As soon as I got in I threw my keys and purse down then took my heels off. I turned the lights on to see bouquets of red and white roses all over my condo. There was also Sade playing softly. The closest one to me I picked a card out of to see it was personally signed by Trey. I sighed. I walked deeper into my condo when I heard noises. "Trey!?" He gave his key back, so there's no way he should be in here.

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