Chapter 10

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Bumblebee tried and failed again to get the cuffs off, with frustration he tried again to signal Rachet. He leaned against the cave wall, trying to think of a way out, as he closed his optics he thought about all his options, and what he had.
His thoughts were interrupted by the sound of approaching footsteps. His optics shot open and he saw the shape of the Insecticon. The Scout crouched in the shadows, trying to conceal himself as much as possible, he felt that now was his chance. The Insecticon started to unlock the cage door, Bumblebee ever so slightly shifted his position, the door opened a tad and the con slipped inside. The bot leaned back, as the con turned to shut the gate, the Scout propelled himself forward and smashed into the cons chest. The cage door flung open, and they tumbled out, the Scout hit the beast in the face with his fist, knocking him out. He jumped up and ran to the console. The computer quickly confirmed his theory, it had a strong enough signal to get past the cave rocks. He began pushing in the transmission code needed to reach Rachet. As the young Scout reached for the transmit button, his feet suddenly left the ground, the Insecticon had him in a choke hold. Bumblebee kicked at the con and grabbed at the arm.
The Insecticon started to drag him into the other room. Bumblebee started jabbing the con with his elbow, and kicking the con as hard as he could. Eventually the con got frustrated, and smashed the bots head into the cave wall. Bumblebees world went black.
Bulkhead and Arcee had returned to the sight where their comrade had been taken, they were looking for anything that should help them find their friend. Smokescreen had ended up taking the kids home, which at first he was upset about, until Miko challenged him to race against time. After the kids had left, Optimus had sent the other two out on their mission.
As they went over the scene, Arcee noticed that Bulkhead was just shuffling around, kicking rocks, and just seemed to be distant.

"Something bothering you?" Arcee asked, though she had a suspicion of what might be on his mind. The wrecker was quite for a moment, then looking at his teammate he said "I feel like I failed. I could have stopped Bee from getting captured, but I didn't." He turned and punched a nearby cliff. Arcee looked at the ground, then back at her friend.

"It's not your fault, I promise. We all did the best we could, but blaming each other or ourselves, won't do him any good." Bulkhead wasn't looking at her, but she knew he was listening. She stepped in front of him, and looked into his eyes. "If you continue to blame yourself, then you'll put the rescue in jeopardy. You got that?" Bulkhead smiled weakly and nodded. "Now lets got kick some bug, and find Bee." With that she continued searching the area with Bulkhead close behind. Arcee hoped her friend wasn't in to much trouble. He could handle anything, right?

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