Chapter 1

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As I walked to school I could've sworn I was being stalked, but whenever I turned back it seemed like no one noticed me. I turned into a lonely street and the feelings grew stronger, then I turned swiftly and saw a tall, lean man. He abruptly stopped, noticing that he had been spotted and ran back the other way. As soon as I got to school I immediately caught a glimpse Jesimiel, the hottest girl in school, my crush, she was strolling with Jane who happened to be my neighbour. "Hey Jane" I said, "you left early". She turned and smiled "Had to run a few errands". I greeted Jesimiel who returned my greeting with a smile, she never really noticed me. Then suddenly for the first time I had a "vision" in daytime. The school was on fire and students were all running out frantically, I was hurt. I didn't see any injuries but I felt the pain like it was really happening and then- "Dez, are you okay?" Jane asked "I'm fine Jane, zoned out for a while" I replied. She likes to call me Dez, oh my name is Desmond by the way and it's Anglo Saxon for "Gracious protector"
She knew I didn't "zone out", I just didn't want to say I was seeing another vision so Jesi won't term me "a freak", poor Desmond if only he could get her attention was what Jane was probably thinking. I walked around the bust of the school's founder and smiled at her before leaving them. Then they were waylaid by Jamie; Jesi's boyfriend, and also the reason I left.

On getting to class Jane immediately noticed Dez wasn't in class. The teacher seemed to notice it too, cruel Ms. Tess had always particularly disliked Desmond for no reason. Some people joked that he looked like her ex, others said maybe his Dad left her for his mum because she hated him like she'd known him before she started teaching there. She grinned maliciously as she handed out the pop quiz results. As soon as I rushed into the class she moved me to the front seat with a very wide grin, dropping the paper on my desk, another F. That didn't surprise me, then the room started swimming and I started having visions again but they were different this time I could have sworn I saw Ms. Tess in them. As soon as classes were over I ran straight out of school, halfway to my home I bumped into the man I'd seen earlier, he had inhuman green eyes and when he spoke he seemed so familiar. He said "Come with me and everything will become clearer" and he stretched out his hand, as soon as Desmond took them they were gone from the alley.
Miss Tess walked into her office and closed the blinds, then she brought a strange looking triangular device and spoke to it. "I've confirmed it, he's the one" the reply came from a coarse voice "Wait for further instructions from the overlord". She bowed and returned the device into her desk. Maybe this time she'd get to kill the him with her bare hands, afterall he had fought her brother in a heated brawl and killed him.

I was a little disoriented at the sudden change of surroundings. I looked around and saw I was at the entrance to a cave hidden by greenery. I immediately turned back to the man and asked "Who are you?" The man replied smoothly, "I am Phyrok, I will be your guide should you choose to accept your destiny". I was confused now, "What Destiny?" I asked. The man smiled "Follow me". He walked ahead and seemed to fade away, I rushed after him and as soon as they entered the cave it was lost in the trees.

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