chapter 5 the call

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(Nathanial's POV)

watching my mate sleep was so...peace-full i guess.The way his nose scrunched up when he was stressed or when he would mumble words and-My thoughts were interrupted when he turned around and snuggled into my chest.

i felt my lips curl up into a warm smile,I now know that he had me wrapped around his little finger and i have'nt even blooded him for goodness sakes!!

suddenly someone barged in and before i knew it i had gotten out of the bed an had taken a defencive stance in-front of my mate who had not woken up but had a slight distressed look on his face when i had gotten out(which i smiled inwardly at)

"See i told you not to just come barging in like that he could have thought it was an attacker and killed your stupid ass's"said a light female voice before a loud smacking sound was heard.

sighing i recognized the faces of the new-born twins(Mark and Simon) and my sister(jenny)."Ow why do you have to be so mean we only wanted"Mark started"To see our new clan member"and Simon finished.

"Well you two idiots could have waited until they came down"another smacking sound followed by a cores of"ow ow ow ow" as she dragged them by the ear towards the door."I'm sorry sir you know how new-Born's are"she said to me.

"its alright jenny they were just curious but make it clear to them that you don't bother a mated couple especial when they hav'nt blooded yet"i said already turning around.

"Will do sir"she said shutting the door.i laughed lightly when i could still hear them down the hall.

looking over at my sleeping mate i grinned when he started searching the spot right next to him with a light frown.turning around i stepped into the bathroom where i did my morning routine.

(Alex's POV)

 the first thing i thought of when i woke up was "my bed smells REALLY good this morning"  after a couple of minutes of sluggishly in-hailing the heavenly sent i heard the tell tale sound of a shower running

opening my eyes i nearly fell of the great smelling bed when i realised that i was'nt in my room and pretty sure not even in my house.

suddenly memories of last night filtered through my mind and i sighed in relief when i realised that the awesome scent was my mates and it surrounded the room and that meant i was in his house probably.

"i was starting to think that you would never wake up"an amused voice broke me out of my plan to steal the covers when he was'nt looking

as my eyes look to my right my brain lost any sarcastic comeback i had and went total blank,because standing in-front of me was my mate in nothing but a towel and...Holy. Monkey. Saint.

my eyes traced the eight pack he was sporting little scars here and there and as i made my way up i caught the smirking smug face Nathan had-wait did i just give him a nickname? even though Nathanial was a cool name he just seemed like a Nathan to me

anyway back to me eye raping Nathan i noticed he was making his way over to me,my eyes the size of dinner plates when he bent down to be at eye-level with me

suddenly he grabbed my hand and put it against his chest-his mouthwatering Naked chest-and said"just remember this is all yours..and close your mouth you might catch flies"and stude up leaving me open-mouthed and wide eyed

getting out of his bed i walked to the bathroom mumbling"tease" and shut the door.ignoring the shiver that went down my spine when i heard his laugh.

after doing my business i realized i had no clothes to change into and poked my head out the door only to smack into a clothed Nathan who had some clothes in his hands.

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