chapter 7 fed up with the pack

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(Alex's POV)

walking into the pack house i could'nt help but feel slightly suspicious because whenever I'm called there it never ends well

like when i was 13 the Alpha decided to throw a party for all the newly shifted pups,and when i got there i was mainly ignored and the only time someone had talked to me was when one of the larger children came up to me and started making fun of how small i was.

and eventually all the kids started making fun because i was the only omega in the pack and i ran out crying and so i have'nt gone to the pack house since

walking in the knots in my stomach only worsened.sucking it up i made my way towards the back to what i can only hope is the direction of the alphas study

knocking on the door that a women had pointed me towards it seemed as if the bad feelings only got worse when a deep voice gruff answered with a "come in"

though i only hesitated for some odd reason when finally the door was opened and the alpha stood there with a slightly annoyed face

but it lessened some when he saw it was me,but he quickly put on a blank mask and ushered me in

sitting down i noticed that the Beta was in a corner of the room which made me very nervous."um Alpha is there a reason you called me here today"i did a happy dance inside my head for not stuttering.

"Yes there has come to my attention that you have found your mate"the way he said it was as if he was telling me my mother died.

"Y-Yes Alpha i have"i said somewhat weary of his tone."I apologise for what i'm about to say but..i don't think i can allow this mating to go any farther then it already has"that sentence felt as if someone had stabbed me in the heart with a very large kitchen knife.

"W-What do you mean you cant allow it"i said getting angrier with every word."i can see how this is a hard thing to over  come bu-"NO!"i suddenly yelled getting out of my seat.

"Alex calm d-"NO YOU CANT TELL ME TO CALM DOWN WHEN YOU TELL ME I CANT SEE MY MATE"i would have been shocked at the voice i was using because it sounded more like a deep growl.

feeling my wolf at the surface i knew my eyes had changed into a color that could only be described as a black void.

by now my voice was but a somewhat whisper but the power it held behind it was far greater then any shout."if you believe i would ever leave my mate because you said so.."a dark chuckle left me"then you are surly mistaken"and with that i started walking towards the door.

"Alex if you walk out you are no longer a member of this pack and will become a rouge and we will have no other choice but to treat you as a threat"the Alpha said in what i supposed was a threatening voice,but this time i felt nothing but rage

slowly turning around i stared him down never breaking eye contact as i back out of the room and never turned around until i closed the door.

turning around i nearly ran out the pack house and took off towards the woods and as i broke the tree line and shifted i felt as if something snapped inside my brain and i no longer felt a connection to the pack.

surprisingly i only felt relived,and that's when what i just did caught up to me and the rage that i had felt was suddenly gone and all that was left was fear

fear that i was now a-a rouge. whining through my muzzle i started pacing around a fallen log trying to think of what to do

when suddenly i heard a piercing howl brake the air,and i knew that it was the Beta signaling that there was a trespasser on the packs land

"i believe our signal to get the hell out of here" i heard my wolf say in a panicked tone. "yes i know that smart one..where can we go though?" "we should go to mate he can protect us" noddng my head i followed the directions my wolf gave me


okay i know this one was really short but i promise the next one will be at least three pages long

and please leave a comment below because i really love it when i know people like this story and constructive criticism would be awesome. :)

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