Safehouse part 2

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I moved faster than The Flash. I lunged forward and socked him in the stomach before he could pull the trigger. He cursed. He moved to hit me but I blocked with my forearm. I kicked the gun and it flew out of his hand. Joe grunted in frustration. He was staggering to retrieve his weapon but I spun again and kicked his sorry little face. Well, I wouldn't call it a face. I be like My mama said God made us all beautiful and equal. What happened to you?

I made his now swollen nose bleed. Blood streamed down his face. He growled and rushed at me. Without hesitation I punched his nose with a sickening crunch. I seemed to infuriate him even more. Hand to hand combat was never my thing but I parried every attack with little if any effort. The girls rushed towards the car with the suitcases, waiting for me. We needed to leave, like, Now. I ended up casually judo flipping him onto his back and putting all my weight on my elbow.
"Now your just showing off." Joe spat. He literally spat because he had a mouth full of his own blood." I guess they trained you well"
I had know idea what he was talking about and knocked him out with a backhand slap.

I dusted myself off and used the key to open the car.
Then it occurred to me I couldn't drive. It couldn't be that bad could it?

~Time skip 30 minutes~

How was I supposed to know starting an Audi Q7 was so difficult.
Old people put so little effort into starting their cars but then again they probably can't do what I just did without breaking their backs.

Victory. The car engine roared to life. I was drenched in sweat. Don't crash the car. I reversed successfully.
The odds were in my favour the day my parents bought an automatic car.It was easier driving the car than it was starting it.
It was quite a long way to the boarding school.
There were a few cars on the road and all were driven by kids.No adults.I realised the surviving adults that were affected by the attack were evacuated and all us kids were left to die.
Thanks a bunch President.
I turned a corner and most houses were charred. Three teens were making their way slowly across the street.
Two of them helping the boy walk. It looked like he had broken his leg.
One girl turned round and asked for help. She called my name. How on earth did she know my name?
Her hazel eyes looked panicked. I recognised Jasmine and Jackson. Alexis trudged onwards.
I pulled up without crashing into the pole.
I opened the doors and moved the girls to the back. Leo continued to play with his teddy in his cat seat in the front passenger seat. Jackson's leg was twisted at a funny angle. It made me remember the huge cut in my own leg that stung with every step.
"Hurry up and get him in the car Jasmine."
" Keep quiet Alexis. What do you know? Oh gosh. He is so heavy"
He was semi unconscious.
"Help her then Ariana" Alexis moaned.
"Why don't you help her?Is your arm broken or something? " I rolled my eyes.
"In fact it is" came the answer.
It took forever to get him in the car but we managed.
I drove on whilst my friends put bandages on the cuts Jackson had on his arms and legs.
"He is saying something" Ava announced from her seat in the back of the car.
"I can her him too" her sister replied
"Yeah he's saying the same word over and over again" Alexis confirmed.
" Well, I can't hear anything"
"That's because your hard of hearing"
" Shush you guys, listen" I said.
He was whispering one word.



"We are here"
It made me feel better to see the amount of cars parked at the school and to realise how many other kids struggled like I did.
"Yay yay" my brother screamed.
"Awwwww" everyone but me said in unison.

I parked the car and after grabbing our suitcases we walked into the building.
We finally safe at last. I had got us to safety

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