Memory lane

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The most beautiful thing in the world is Sunshine, not sunshine but Sunshine, a girl I like. You should see her gorgeous walk, talk, clothes, shoes, and her attractiveness. Everyone time I talk to Aaliyah I feel like she get's jealous, but what do I know? Aaliyah is this quiet loner I'm trying to change. She always looks so sad, and down, and I'm only trying to help the sorry girl. I see her talk to this very weird girl named Faith sometimes, but if you were to ask me I'd say the bitch is more of a bully harassing Aaliyah. Your probably think, why does he care about Aaliyah anyways? Well, I'd answer I don't know... I just do.

To be quit honest with you it looks like the girl is in some serious pain every time she talks to me. She doesn't even look me in the eye. What's that about? You know one of the scariest times was when I talked to her for the first time with her little weird ass. I sat down by her during lunch with my friend, Eli. I said," Hi."

" Hi," she answers back.

" Why are you so quiet?" I ask curiously.

" I just am," she snaps like she heard this a millions of times before. Probably has. It's pretty freaky, I thought to myself. I looked down at her cleavage that was spilling out her shirt and I automatically stared no longer into her eyes. I thought for a minute that maybe she needed a friend, and I knew the perfect girl for that job. Sunshine.

" Do you need a friend? Hey, maybe Sunshine can be your friend, here let me-"

The bitch cuts me off saying," Please don't, I do not need a friend, I have plenty of those." I laughed knowing that that was a bold faced lie. She had NO friends, not one! I will deal with this later.

" Fine, well, I'll see you around," I said leaving the table she sat alone at. Shameful. I'm glad she didn't wanna be Sunshine's friend, I'd torture little Sunny.

So that's how that went down. Oh, and guess how committed I was to making Sunshine and Aaliyah's friendship work. Well, above I lied about not torturing Sunshine. Anyways, I asked Sunshine, last name Cortes, Tioniey Adams ( some other friend of mines), and Aniea Gibson to hang with her. To my surprise Aaliyah said yes. After that I don't know what have happened exactly what have happened, but I do know it must've not gone well because that was IT! After that Aaliyah didn't exist in their world. I guess I need a better strategy. Hmmm... What should I do to come to the rescue?


I love Chris so much that I'd do ANY damn thing for him. His eyes or just so god damn beautiful, and his smile brights up all of the school ( Overland High School, just in case you were curious). What I don't get is why he is always talking about Aaliyah! She isn't hot like me, she isn't smart like me, she doesn't walk like me, oh another thing she doesn't TALK, now how does he expect to have a good and long conversation with the weirdo. I do have to admit, that she does have nice hair, hips, and nice clothes, but other than that she is nothing like me! If you ask me she is inner horrible. Do you know what that means, that means in the inside she is a negative person. Chris is a very positive person; every time he walks in a room he draws everyone's attention, and people seem to fall in love with him. Like me. Chris's last name is Toe, just in case you were curious. NTP ( Not The Point ), my point is that Chris never talks about me the way he talks about Aaliyah, he never does. He treats her like the Article, and treats me like the caption, he treats her like the tv screen, and me as the cords, he treats her like the shelf and me as the ground, he treats her like the flower, and me as the grass, and he treats her like the food and me as the plate; pay more attention to the things she is don't ya? Obviously you do.

I remember when he sat by her during lunch. I wonder what they we're talking about. I do know that he forced Aniea, Tioniey and me to walk with her down the halls and talk during lunch, I sure as hell didn't speak to her. Tioniey, and Aniea did though. Aniea asked," When did you get your hair pressed?" Noticing the girl's gorgeous locks. I noticed a smirk come across Aaliyah's face like she was freaky satisfied.

" I got it down yesterday night, what do you think?" she asked.

I think it looks ridiculous, I lied to myself knowing that she did a good ass job with her hair. " It's cute," Aniea said.

" I know, right?" Tioniey jumped in." Don't ya like her hair Sunshine, don't ya?"

" I'm not into dandruff infested hair," I snapped.

" I like it," Tioniey repeated." It's fresh."

" Thank you," Aaliyah said, and it was so low that it sounded sweet and shy( WTF am I saying?!) This bitch is mildly weird, and mildly shitty. True that! Thank god this is over, I thought seeing people come in from outside. I walked over to Chris to try and make Aaliyah jealous( cuz I know she likes him), and hugged Chris, but she was so jealous that she left the hallway. LOL.


Chris has beautiful eyes, beautiful smile, beautiful this, beautiful that, and millions of... Girlfriends. You should see the way he flirts with everyone, but the girl I think he truly likes is Sunshine Cortes, so I guess I'll find a new crush. Or try. I must tell you that he could potentially have a crush on my best friend Aaliyah Jarman. But I doubt that. Although I have been treating Aaliyah kind of bad because I am jealous, and I have been making front of Sunshine in my head: she has a weird body figure, she needs a new hair du, she needs a new accent( it's American, but it's also down right annoying), she needs to make her face more appealing, and she needs to find a new crush before I rip her head off her shoulders! Same for Aaliyah!

Aaliyah and I sit by each other on the bus going home, and I have just figured out how bipolar she is. She was talking about a couple of incidents that happened between her and Chris. " Chris is my crush you know, and-"

" Wait," I said interrupting her," You like Chris, which Chris?"

" Chris Toe," she answered softly." Anyways I was so happy when he sat by me during lunch because he's so cute, and luscious, but stupid!"

Cute, luscious and stupid... interesting, I thought to myself." Why is he stupid?" I asked curiously.

" Because, Faith he likes Sunshine! He's picking her over me, that makes him stupid... well, actually it makes him smart because she's prettier than me smarter than me, just better than me... I'm worthless," she said.

He's stupid, no! Smart... double interesting. " Why are you worthless?" I questioned her to see if she had a good reason.

" This year, so far I haven't had a boyfriend! It's because I am selfish, ugly, mean, slutty, and I have no personality," she said, dissing herself.

Can't argue with that, I thought to myself, but knew I should probably try to argue with that. Otherwise she'll just be mad at me. I sorta don't want that... Sorta." That's not true," I lied.

" Yes it is, I am a no good bitch," she said, and literally hit herself.

" Nothing else I can say."

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