Chapter 16

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'Sabira move' I urge myself. But no, my stupid feet has to feel heavy and disjointed.

Before I realise it, he has rounded up with the lecturer and is heading towards me.

I am remotely aware of the appreciative looks he is receiving from other girl, and I feel this sudden urge to bang their heads together. Then I feel smug because out of all of them, he is looking at... me.

'Hey Assalamu Alaykum' he says cheerfully. Why is he cheeful? Are we even on good terms? I can't remember our last meeting so I don't know, in fact I can barely recall anything other that that voice.

'Afternoon. What are you doing here? ' are the words my stupid tongue rolls out.

'To see a friend '. He is obviously ignoring my rudeness.

' You are friends with my lecturer?'.

' Actually yes. We finished from the same secondary school and we've kept in touch ever since. There is this contract we are about to embark in and I am here to seek his services. You think he can deliver?.

'Oh I believe he can. He seems very capable and knowledgeable' I nod in earnest.

I see clear jealousy in his eyes before he shrugs it off.

'We made the right choice then'. I nod again.

'So do you have a ride or should I drop you home'. He asks as we walk towards the students parking lot.

'No problem i came with one. Thank you for offering '.

He clears his throat. I have since found out that he does that when he is uncomfortable so i brace myself.

'Listen urmmm... You know what I'll call you later. Can I ?'.

Ok this is getting awkward. 'Yes why not'?.

He opens the drivers door for me. He opened the car door for me! Men like that don't exist no more atleast none that I know of. That single gesture makes my heart warm. And he did it without even thinking like it's normal. My mind is in an ecstatic overdrive.

'Great. Later then. Drive safe'.

'I will thank you'.

Then he shuts the door. But not untill i see my classmates curiously staring openly at the exchange. Aloha is with them smiling cheekily. Idiot. Moha is looking heart broken. Idiot. Sultan mouths take care and waves before I wave back and drive off... he is the biggest idiot I think smiling.

My heart is still singing tuneless acapella rythm when I arrive home.

The moment I open the main door, I sense something is not right at all. I have a sixth sense when it comes to that.

I gently close the door and go through the back door. The tension is less there. I am at the foot of the stairs when I hear the words being shouted more clearly.

'Sa'ad you must be crazy if you think i am going to approve of that girl'.

Oh oh the cat is so out of the bag.

'Mama honestly I'm trying to understand why you won't allow it but none of your reasons are making any sense in the Islamic perspective'.

'Sa'ad I'm not making sense right? Your Mother is senseless. What has that girl given you to turn your head 180 degrees against me? '.

Toh fa! An zo wurin. I almost chicken out and leave but then this is Sa'ad. He will stand by me no matter what. Right now he needs a strong pillar of strength and I have to be by his side.
I take a deep breath and proceed upstairs.

Burnt Clay (A Nigerian Muslimah)Where stories live. Discover now