Part 1

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I rubbed my temples thinking 'this guy cannot be serious!' I looked up at my best friend Aaron "Are you serious right now"

"Mike it's what i wanna do i want you there to support me we boys right"

"Yea we are but cross dressing Aaron that's a little extreme even for you"

He sat down next to me "I'm not gay but growing up with five sisters i want to show my feminine side"

I scoffed raising my eyebrow "you're kinda showing it now"

He poked out his lip out "pwetty pwease michael you're the only supportive friend i have"

I rolled my eyes he right because when he first said he wanted to cross dress everyone kinda shut him out. Except for me my mother raised me to love and be friends witch everyone. I guess i shouldn't stop being supportive if this is really what he wants to do,we've been friends since pre-k so why stop now.

I sighed "Okay fine i'll go tell m about what's going to happen there"

He smiled and took a deep breath "Ok so it's a fashion show basically but it's also a contest to see who the best drag queen ever. And it will be hosted by the world's greatest drag queen Ru freaking paul! and i'm in the show as you know and my name will be Alexa cross!"

I put my head in both my hands. I am never going to hear the end of this from my brothers. I looked at him "I swear Aaron i better not get turned out or i am going to kick your Alexa cross ass!"

He jumped off the couch "Oh thank you! you are the best i promise you won't get turned out no go home and get ready meet me back here in a hour"

"okay man" I got up and left his house and went home. I live right next door to him so i don't have to waste my gas and drive. I went in the house and my mom looked at me "hey honey where have you been"

"Listening to aaron tell me he want me to go to some type of drag queen show to support him"

"oh well i think thats swell you're supporting your friend"

"Yea i learned it from the best" i hugged her

She giggled "That why you're my favorite child"

I laughed and let go of her and went up to my room. My brother tito is sitting in there. He looked at me laughing "so drag queen shows huh"

I glared at him "Don't start i'm supporting my friend"

"Your girlfriend" He snickered

I balled up my fist "get out before i kick your ass"

He got up and walked pass "don't for get to 'tuck'

I sucked my teeth and slammed the door behind him. I swear my brother get on my damn nerves. Just because i'm a nice person and want to support my friend doesn't mean a damn thing. I started to get ready ,I took a shower and put on a red long sleeve shirt, and black pants and my black loafers. I combed my hair and fixed up my curls. I know i'm going to a place with men all dressed up as women i really don't need to be looking fully cleaned up, but hey i'm kinda OCD about going out dressing nice. I finished getting ready and called Aaron "You better be ready Aaron"

"I am mike i was just waiting on you come on so we can get a move on"

"Alright here i come" I hung up and went outside. Aaron is standing outside next to his car in a sweat suit. I walked over to his car "I'm guessing you're truing into a girl when we get there"

"Yes sir i will be turning into Alexa cross" He threw his hand up and went into a girly pose

I shook my head "please don't do that again in public"

The Drag Queen's Daughter *MJ FantasyWhere stories live. Discover now