Hospitals SUCK

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Drews POV

I wake up to the sound of beeping I remember what happened and I slowly try to sit up but my pounding headache makes me lay back down when I hear two different voices say "oh my god Drew your up" at the same time which makes my head pound harder all I manage to say I'd "ugggh no loud noises please" and again they both whisper "sorry" I giggle at there response when Dan says "baby you did not have to hide this from us you would not have gotten in trouble and we would have seen it at one point" he says soothingly I just nod as Phil breaks down and hugs me while crying his eyes out when I see Dan start to tear up "It's okay Dad I'm going to be alright" I say "but I would like some food please I'm really like really hungry" I say which causes them to giggle and phil leaves to get me food while Dan stays "Dad how long have I been out" I ask he hesitates then says "12 hours which to us felt like and eternity" I just nod and hug him when phil walks in with hot chocolate, bacon, pudding, pancakes and ice cream "hey sweetie I did not know what you wanted so here" Phil says shaking a bit "thanks dad I love you" I say shoveling pancake into my mouth

The next day

I wake up to no more beeping since they moved me to a temporary room until I could go home, I found a note i think my dad's had left it said they would back before 6 I set it down when I stand up and get changed into my normals clothes when I leave the bathroom Emma walks in "How is my little surprise" I walk up and give her a hug "good I'm......Good" I say she pulls iris out of her jacket and says "shh she's not saposed to be here" I giggle and pet his head "hey little guy mommy will be home soon ok be good" and Emma just puts him back when she walks forward and plants her lips on mine we move our lips in unison fitting like they were puzzle pieces
Hey guys sorry for not posting for awhile I have been updating my new books Alice in Wolfieland land and Adopted by jacksepticeye so if you want you can go check those out and sorry for a short chapter I'm gonna try to update one book every day and I'm continuing Sky I'd falling alright byeeee

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Jun 03, 2016 ⏰

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